Avail Type


Avail Type

An avail type is what makes up the different building blocks used to build Templates and Formats. They are also used to define in each individual Contract the location on the Log/Format where the spots are to be placed.

You can add a new avail type at any time in AvailTypes which can be launched from Settings. It is also possible to manage AvailTypes using Templates.


Composite Avail Type

There may be times that you want an avail type to accept multiple types of content. To do so, you can create an avail type that can, on Templates/Formats, act as multiple AvailTypes. We refer to these types of avails as a "Composite Avail Type".

To accomplish this, you will need to create the individual base AvailTypes (as described above) that you desire to combine into the composite avail type. Once completed, you then create the composite avail type by creating a new avail type (as you've done previously), except now you need to use the same names (exactly as they appear in the previously created base AvailTypes) and separate them using the pipe (|) symbol (usually the SHIFT+BACKSLASH (\) key). Place these in order of preferential placement; meaning the primary, secondary, etc. The ordering of these elements will be utilized by the spot placement engine on the Log to give preference to the primary, then the secondary, etc.



Any AvailTypes created (or modified) are available for all stations in the Templates section. Any modification to existing AvailTypes that are in use will have impact on existing Templates and currently running Formats that are using the modified avail type.


Additional Information

See AvailTypes.