Early Adopter Program

What it means to be involved in the Early Adopter Program?

Is there a feature you really want now? If so, are you willing to provide feedback on a feature before it is “done”? Would you like to have access to a new features before anyone else? These are just a few of the benefits of being involved in the Early Adopter Program. You would definitely be on the leading edge (or occasionally, the bleeding edge).

This means that you need to approach a new feature with the understanding and expectation that it MAY NOT WORK; however, be pleasantly surprised that it does. It also may “work” well in the primary area but have unintended consequences elsewhere. For example, the logs may be improved but some report may not yet reflect the change in avails or projected revenue. This means that you need to double/triple check everything and, in the event something does not work, there will be responsibility on your shoulders to determine this as early as possible so that you can notify us immediately in order that we can work together in to find a solution.


By participating in the Early Adopter Program, you assert that you understand and agree to all of the above conditions and bind your entire company to all conditions.

Station/Group __________________________________


Print Name__________________________________

