How to Create and Edit Pages


Create a page

The best way to create a new page is to create a link to a nonexistent page first (see "Links" below). When you save the page you're working on and then click on that red link, you'll be prompted to create the page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not put square brackets in the name or title of a page.


Edit a page

To edit a page, click on the button that says "Edit this page" at the top right.



There's a link button on the editing bar. (Looks like the earth with a chain next to it). Position the cursor where you want your linked text to be. Click on the link button. Put the URL in the "Link URL" blank, and the text you want to appear on the page in the "Link Title" blank.

Or, you can just enclose the text to be linked in brackets. If the words enclosed are the name of a page, it will link automatically. Like this: suppose I want to link to a page called "groundhog". I just type [[groundhog]].

If there's already a page called "groundhog", the link will show up green, and I'm done. If there is no such page, the link will show up red. If you click on a red link, you'll get a message that says there's no such page, and it will prompt you to create one.

If you want to link to a page but have the text show something different from the page name, use a pipe (|) like this:

[Actual name of page|Text I want to show]

This would link to a page called "Actual name of page", but on this page you would see the link reading "Text I want to show."



There's a button at the top of the edit window for adding an image(just to the left of the little anchor). You can link to an image that is already available on the web somewhere, or you can upload an image; either way, these should be non-copyrighted images, or ones you own.

Where can you store images?
How can you make your own images?


Other issues

If you need more detailed help, visit the ScrewTurn Wiki Help Pages or forum.