Spot Types


Spot Types

Running Essentials/Premier... see AvailTypes.

Spot types are the different building blocks used to build templates and formats. These are also used to define in each individual contract the location on the log/format where the spots are to be placed.

You can add a new spot type at any time in Administration using the "Spot Types" tool. It is also possible to manage avail types using the Template editor.




Any spot types created (or modified) are be available for all stations in the templates section. Any modification to existing avail types that are in use will have impact on existing templates and currently running formats that are using the modified spot type.

There is no facility to delete spot types. To delete an unused spot type, contact your RadioTraffic support representative.



'Can a "Spot Type" be created at anytime, after the logs are formatted? If so, is it created in the "Template" section?'

Yes you can add a new spot type at any time in Administration.

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