Training - Reports


Training - Reports

So when you come into Radio Traffic you're going to see the dashboard and up on the dash board it's sort of like a to do list for most of the traffic people. So it tells you that you have to reconcile a log, it tells you that your logs need to be locked and I happen to be in your database. So I think that it would be the most comfortable since everybody probably looks to you guys up there, in Centralia and Longview.

Anyway it shows logs need to be locked, spots need to be made good and this is all stuff for traffic people. So when you come in and if you were to hover on this, you're gonna get a circle with a line through it which means you can do anything with it. You can't go in and reconcile a log, you couldn't get rid of spots or make them good or anything like that, so you can look and see what the traffic people have to do which I think is a great idea, the reason why is lets talk about reconciliation. Reconciliation should be handled on a daily basis and this is one thing that scares me. Theres five logs that need to be reconciled, hey wait a minute, say you have a client that the order had been put into the system and the copy had not come in and you only have a certain period of time to make him good. If you're not reconciling your logs on a daily basis, this client is going to lose out and you're gonna lose revenue. So the traffic people really need to keep up on their reconciliation. I'd say the first thing they should do when they come in in the morning after they grab their cup of coffee and turn on their computer is they should go into radio traffic and start reconciling logs because that is going to be that if you don't put that client back on in a timely fashion, you could end up losing revenue.

Ok, so then you have some icons down here. Now I'm signed in as me, so when you sign in you're not going to see all these icons, you're gonna see settings, reports, AR, Contracts and Copy.

Client said "I'm seeing Billing, Logs"

Patty said "But you're not going to see that, that's what I see right now:

Client said: "No, no I've got my lap top up"

Patty: Oh you do, ok really and you see that stuff, well I don't know what your position is and maybe you're an administrator assistant...I don't know..

So when you go into the copy tab, this is a list of all the copy that's in the system. So let say if talked to a client and they were gonna run out at the end of October and you went out and they said "lets sign up for another three months, you could come into this copy tab and open up any piece of copy and you could extend the end date on the copy.

I don't know if you're gonna have the ability to add new copy. I'm not sure about what roles, I didn't get involved with the set up of the system and stuff and I'm not sure exactly what you're going to be doing. So lets say you can go in and look at copy and edit copy and stuff like that.

client: so do I just double click on the end date

patty: yes just double click to open it up and then just change the end date.

So then if we go over to contracts, in contracts you can do certain things. You can open up a customer. The customer lives over on the left hand side of the screen and the orders that are attached to customers live on the right side of the screen. So if you wanted to open up a customer, all you do is double click to open it up. Its as simple as that. You can look at their contact info, you can look at their scheduling, basically its their defaults on how the customers are set up. Who's the sales person, if there's an agency attached, whats the primary conflict, whats the revenue source, that kind of stuff and then we have the billing tab and you can look to see what invoice type they have and statement type they have and what their credit policy is. So you can basically view the customer. On the right hand side is where the orders live, so when you sign in, depending on what your role is, if you're an adminisitrative assistant, I'm going to go in and see what your role is since I'm curious that you can see all those other icons down there. Let's see, where are you at, you're billing manager, that is what they have you set up for and administrative assistant too. Ok, excellent, that gives me something to go on.

Ok, so in contracts, on the left hand side are the customers and the right hand side are the order. If you wanted to print an order confirmation for some reason, you can right click on any order and I'm on Second Wind sports which is the first customer in the list so I come on over to the right hand side and I do a right click and I do a print preview, this is basically the order confirmation. So it shows the stations, the start and end dates, it shows the schedule, it shows the length, it shows the time that they are running, 5a to 9p, it shows what avail type their are, it shows whether they are a commercial, a news sponsor, a sports sponsor, whatever, it shows what the rate is, what the quantity is on the order, if there was an agency attached it would show the gross vs the net down there in that count area where it says count gross would show net if the agency was attached and then down below it would shows the rotation information. In other words it shows what piece of copy he's running, and what the start and end dates are on it. So a lot of good information here and then if you scroll down to the bottom it shows when it was printed, so obviously it defaults to today and then if we were going to print it out, we go to that little printer in the left hand corner that has the question mark next to it and then send it off to the printer and then send it off on its merry way.

Client: where would it show gross and net if its had an agency

Patty: down here. it would have gross and it would have a box, it would have a box if it was net and it would have the agency commission coming out and it then it would have the total. As a matter of fact, can we think of anybody that has an agency commission attached to it? Client: Let's go down here a little bit.. Patty: How about Mcdonalds, they would have an agency, ok so lets go take a look at McDonalds. So lets take a look at ths contract for KIHR, and I'm gonna do a right click and a print preview, and so heres your agency commission right there, showing you everything.

Client: Perfect Patty: The other nice thing about the contract area, let's say...and I'm gonna look at this guy here. Here's the original 50.0 and then it was revised and so that's the second portion of it. Here's the original and then it was revised.

Ok, without having to run a report, you can go into the projections tab and get a birds eye view of Mcdonalds and what going on on the contracts and whats their gross amount is. These column headers have very unique meanings and Gross Dollars means that's what it started out as, GX means that's whats been cancelled, X is cancelled, GE means what is Gross Effective, in other words what is effectively going to get billed on this client. So I can take a look and say this client started out at 1040 and he cancelled 1001 dollars and he's gonna get billed 39 dollars. Now that's on 50.0 but now theres a subsequent invoice that is going to be generated, because now he has a revision going on and that's what .1 means, is there's a revision. The gross is gonna be 1001, which is what was lost over here, and that's what's gonna be billed, so in essence he's gonna be billed 1040, so nothing was really lost but they just broke the contract in two for some reason and I don't know why. Here's another one, this guy started out at 720, 696 got cancelled, with a balance of 24 on this particular order but now theres a revision down here 50.1 and then theres 696 that's been attached to that one, and then 228 that's also been attached to that one. So those are what the revisions look like. You're gonna want to have a column header for Gross cancelled and how you do that is put your mouse on any column header, I don't care where you put it, do a right click and do a column chooser, here's a column chooser, so I'm gonna say I want my Gross effective money and I'm gonna put that up there, and I want to see Gross Cancelled right in between it, so I can see...and if you're looking at are your net numbers down here, so you have your net for Oct, your net for Nov, net for Dec, then you have your net effective, and then you have your net cancelled and depending on how you folks look at things, is what kind of column headers you're gonna want up here. So that's looking at projections from a birds eye view for Mcdonalds. You can see whats going on and I can see effectively for the month of October, he's gonna get billed 4832, so theres my bottom line number for all my contracts that are in here. Ok, so that contracts.

I'm going to jump over to report since that is what this meetings supposed to be let me expand my screen so you can see better. Ok, we have a feature in here where you can just view your own favorite reports. So if you see a report that you like, lets say its Billing History, actually because you guys work on an accrual basis, lets pull the billing history accrual.

Client' whats the different between the two?

Patty: Ok, the Billing History is the Broadcast and Calendar, the Billing History accrual includes that stub period so for October, the stub period is the 27th, 28th, through the 31st of October that would be normally in a November broadcast month but because you guys work Calendar basis, it's gonna be included in October.

Client: ok, that make sense

Patty: whenever you're looking at any of your reports, you're gonna wanna look for the accrual reports in the system. So the billing history accrual, if I open it up, you can show it for this year, now obviously these are all of the invoices that are going to be finalized for this month. They're not yet finalized and I wanna take off my filter but you can run it once you're up running on the system for a while, you can go back the last two year, last 3 years, last year, whatever you want to do. It always defaults to this date. Now some people would like to see it in what I call Descending order, in other words, the most prominent clients at the top of the list with the lease profitable clients at the bottom of the list. To do that, you just click on it until you get your highest figure at the top so its now in descending order, it's going down from the top.

Now lets say you wanted to see it by station, and you really don't care about the customer, you wanna see how the station did overall for this year. I would take the customer off the list, drag him off, and I'm gonna go into my column chooser, and this is available any place in the system, I do a right click and I do a column chooser, I'm gonna go look for station and it's all in alphabetical order. So hers station down here, I put him up here in what I call the Group by Box, so I'm grouping it by station. Heres each station but lets say you wanted to see it another way. Lets say you wanted to see it by Salesperson and Station, I come down here and I grab my little salesperson guy and I pull it up there, and now I'm seeing it by station and sub grouping it by Salesperson and I can look and see what people are doing, so very powerful tool, very powerful to use. You don't have to be afraid of it. If I take this off, it doesn't go anyplace but back into this column chooser list.

Client: Bob helped me learn a lot about's very intuitive.

Patty: yes it also need to know what the meanings are of these column choosers mean, Gross Effective,

Client: I would have never guess what the Gross Effective part was

Patty: yes and you know Gross Cancelled, Net Cancelled and Net Effective and all that other good stuff. You've got a whole bunch of stuff to choose from in here. So lets talk about some reports you'd be looking for: You might be looking at aging, you have two different aging reports. We have the reports that uses the traditional that looks at the 30, 60, 90 and moves according to that as it moves through it's columns and then you have Aging by month where it only moves by the month, so whether or not it was broadcast or whenever, whenever the invoice was finalized its going to move according to. So if it was finalized in June, it's gonna be June, so forth and so on, it's gonna move by month. So if I open this up - (oh where did it go, hold it is) sometimes it minimizes down to my desktop if I open it too fast so let me take that filter off. So her I have Oct,Sept, August, this is your aging, because your aging has been imported and I have it grouped by station. If I don't care about the customer, and I just want to see it by station, I just drag the customer off.

client: How do I do it not breaking it out by station? I never care about that part. Patty: Ok, how do you want to look at it? Client: I just want to look at it in summary. Patty: So for the client itself, you just have the client right here and then just have the rest of your months right there and make sure you have your total column over there cuz it totals it across plus it totals it down. It totals it both ways.

Now lets say you were on the phone with a client and they say "we're not sure why we owe you this amount of money, you could do a column chooser and you could say I want to pull up applied and I want to pull up detailed and that will show you (when we import, everything becomes a debit adjustment, so once you do billing on RT, at the end of October, everything will still remain a debit but then things will be called invoices and you'll have invoice numbers here so you could intelligently tell your customer...well that's for your September buy, so forth and so you get that information off the aging report but if you have access to AR. which you do, you can come directly over to AR and you can go to your customer and you can Mr. customer, you owe 750, it was for 375 on the fm for back in what ever month it was in. So you can have multiple windows opened at one time, you can see I opened up my Ar, but you can see on my task bar I still have my Aging report opened and I can come over here and select another report.

So then we have down here Sales, you guys are going to be using the accrual reports, so these are including the stub period in the current calendar month. We're gonna go ahead and open up the projection report, and it's a 3 month report. It shows you your gross for October, my gross cancellations for Oct, Gross Effective and then I have my Nov and Dec and then my total over here. Now if you want to see it by sales person, lets go to our column chooser and come down here and say salesperson and group it by salesperson. That's if you want to see it that way. If you just wanna see salesperson that is attached, you would just put sales person next to the customer and then you'd see salesperson listed next to the customer. Now if you don't want to include trade, on any report that has money on it, you could come over here and you could take off your trade. I don't want to see my trade, I don't want to see my non billable.

Client: What is non billable? Patty: I have no idea I have a feeling it's your psas, promos, your house stuff and I think it was put in as non billable and that would make sense to me because you would never want to generate an invoice, it just house stuff. So take off your trade and now you're just looking at cash and your coop. So pretty excellent view of things.

Client: In our world here, in your column that's right below that, where it says Revenue source, then I also probably need to uncheck Trade option, Trade premium, Trade discount.

Patty: But I'll tell you something, I want you to watch something very carefully. Watch this number down here, Gross Effective 172235, watch, watch what happens...yes, you're right, you DO want to uncheck that cuz there is money attached so you do want to unceck that. So when you look at your number down here, you want to make sure that you are taking your trade off. Client: Now you're doing this through which area again? Patty: Reports, everything is in reports. So I'm gonna go back to what we were originally going to talk about. When you open reports, it's very likely that you'll not see Revenue projection accrual and all you need to do is go up here to the view in the menu bar and say include accrual reports. This is a toggle switch. So if I say view, include accrual reports, it toggles it on, and then if I say view, include accrual reports, it toggles it off. So if you don't see them, come up here to view and say include accrual reports. Now we also have some really slick beta reports in here. So when it says its going to say BETA like right here, and I'll give you an explanation of what BETA means and then down here, BETA BETA BETA. This annual sales review...this is a really powerful tool and let me tell you why...because it's a twelve month look at things...and I'm gonna I have cash on...I'm gonna come over here and i'm gonna take off my trade and my non billable, and I'm gonna take off my trade there, and my internet trade, I'm gonna tell you what you're looking at. You're looking at the past, plus as of this month you're looking at the future. So it's a projection into the future and it's a look into the past as to what was billed. Its called the annual sales review accrual. So next year, once you're on the system, for 5, 6, 7 months, you can look back and say "oh this is what that client billed and this is what he's doing now". So you can see how people are running. You can see where they dropped off. They are not running after that.

client: if I were to move my mouse up to customer and open up the column sorter then I could break it out by sales person too. Patty: let me show you, right now you don't see that group by box up here, I can't group it by anything so do your right click and say show your Group by Box. Now you have your group by box. Now I can right click and I can choose my column chooser and I'm going to go get my sales person and I'm going to group it by sales person. So if you don't see a group by box, its because it's hidden and all you have to do is show group by box. Now you might be click happy and this might happen, you might be in a report and click on Hide my Group by box and oh oh...what happened to my sales person...I could see it's grouped by sales person but I can't see my sales person. I can just hit it so I have to show group by box and my sales person comes up. So there's a lot of little tricks to the reports that you could get caught up in if you're using the scroll wheel on your mouse, things like that can happen. So that's the annual sales review look back at sales and forward with projections.

Now we have the Goal report. Now the revenue projection is a 3 month report. The goal report is a 12 month report. So if you open up the goal report, even if you do not have goals entered into the system, you can pull up 12 months to look 12 months ahead. So I'm gonna go ahead and make the report larger, I'm gonna say Column chooser, I'm gonna come up here and say January, February, and I'm gonna keep dragging them up here. So you can look at 12 months, dragging them up and putting them next to each other. That's as simple as that and if I care about the customer