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BETA Testing

Modified: 2013/02/08 09:48 by admin - Uncategorized
We are no longer accepting applicants for BETA.

What it means to be a BETA tester?

Is there a feature you really want now? If so, are you willing to provide feedback on a feature before it is “done”? Would you like to get new features for no money? These are just a few of the benefits of being a BETA tester for RadioTraffic. You would definitely be on the leading edge (or occasionally, the bleeding edge).

This means that you need to approach a new feature with the understanding and expectation that it MAY NOT WORK; however, be pleasantly surprised that it does. It also may “work” well in the primary area but have unintended consequences elsewhere. For example, the logs may be improved but some report may not yet reflect the change in avails or projected revenue. This means that you need to double/triple check everything and, in the event something does not work, there will be responsibility on your shoulders to determine this as early as possible so that you can notify us immediately in order that we can work together in to find a solution.


  • Set realistic expectations. Understand that you are participating in something that is currently not available to many customers and, more importantly, has not been thoroughly tested. Realize that current features and services used by our many hundreds of customers must take priority over any BETA feature used by a few.
  • There could be times we might have to turn off a beta feature and return you to the public version of RadioTraffic for a while.
  • We understand that failures cause frustrations. If dealing with an occasional frustration would be a problem for you, we suggest you not volunteer to do any beta testing.
  • All employees in your group potentially have access to a BETA feature; meaning that it’s not just you that are BETA testing, but your entire group. Unfortunately, we can’t let you have the beta feature without putting it in the same software that others in your group use. It is your responsibility to manage your group to keep them out of the beta feature if they are not as willing to participate in the beta program.
  • Tell us when something doesn’t work or misses the mark. We will need full details to duplicate the problem. In other words, exit the software. Log on fresh. Go immediately to the problem. Tell us 1, 2, 3, 4 exactly what you do to make it happen again. We can fix any problem we can duplicate. Fuzzy or confusing reports where we don’t learn how to re-create the problem are difficult to deal with.
  • Equally important is to tell us when things are working and hit the mark. In order to qualify for keeping a feature, we must receive a detailed report containing the overall success of a feature that includes information such as how often you use it, how does it benefit you and your overall impression of the feature. We would ask your express consent before doing so but we do love to use comments from our happy customers on our website or in our advertising.
  • If you find the BETA program or any BETA feature frustrating, we do ask that you keep negative comments to a minimum on our Forums or outside blogs. We won’t censor or delete negative comments in our Forums but do reserve the right to edit so they do not offend or ramble.
  • Keep in mind that a BETA feature could be an “experiment” that doesn’t make it to a release; meaning we could decide that a feature was a bad idea and throw it in the trash. Or we might have to put it on the shelf for a while to work on something else that doesn’t interest you.
  • Understand that we reserve the right to discontinue the BETA program at any time for any reason.
  • Being a BETA tester does not mean that you automatically gain access to all BETA features. We limit the amount of features being tested at any given time to a very small number, typically only one or two at a time per station contract. Choose wisely. However, by providing the "success" feedback requested, we can move BETA features to general release and then you can gain access to new BETA features.
  • The golden rule applies. Nobody likes to have a problem. It’s even more irritating to have a problem that doesn’t offer an immediate solution. However, you won’t gain anything by being irritable, abusive or offensive to our employees. In fact, especially with regards to BETA features, our support people are authorized to terminate calls where you or your people are not co-operating or are abusive.

By participating in the BETA program, you assert that you understand and agree to all of the above conditions and bind your entire company to all conditions.

Station/Group __________________________________


Print Name__________________________________

