Gathering Invoices (EXP)


Gathering Invoices (EXP)

This window contains all of the invoices that are "gathering" and could potentially be ready to be reviewed and approved. Upon approval, the invoices will automatically be printed (and possibly more) depending on your current configuration.


Main Menu


Main Body

The list contains one or more invoice items that are either currently gathering or ready to be reviewed/approved.

When the window first opens, the invoice list is evaluated with regards to all invoices that are "In Progress" and the number of number is equal to each other. If they are, the Approve column checkbox is checked for these completed invoice items.

When one or more invoice items are checked to be approved, a Finalize button becomes available. Clicking on the Finalize button will process the selected invoice items and approve them. Upon approval...


Best Practices

It is absolutely important that you do the following before using Gathering Invoices:

Using Gathering Invoices without verifying the above is completed can produce undesirable results.



Is it possible to sort by more than one column?

See MyViews.

How do I reverse invoices I finalized by mistake?

If in the event that you do approve invoices by mistake, you must leverage the various reports available to determine which ones need to be reversed. Using these invoice numbers, go into AR and use the CTRL+F key combination to search for each invoice one-by-one. Right click on each of the invoice items that you wish to reverse and choose the Reverse context menu item.

If you finalized any logs between this process, it may be necessary to reverse those logs to get rid of the "duplicated" (partial) invoices. By reversing the log, the spots are removed from the invoice; once an invoice has nothing on it, it is also removed. When you re-reconcile the log, the now gathering invoice will be where the spot(s) are added.

If you only have a handful of these invoices and would prefer to not reverse the logs and the contract is new; you might be able to modify the contract to change the billing cycle to another type temporarily, press OK. Open the contract again and change the billing cycle back to the original value and press OK. This will cause the system to erase and rebuild all of the invoices for the contract; thus combining the two (or more) invoices.

Once you reverse these invoices (and possibly logs), you can then make sure that everything is corrected and retry the Gathering Invoice process; pretty much as if you'd not made the mistake(s) in the first place.

There is no mechanism to mass reverse invoices; as you might imagine, that could be a very dangerous tool.

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