Make Good (Customer)


Make Good (Customer)

WORK IN PROGRESS - Please understand that we are actively rewriting much of our documentation and this page is currently "under construction"; if there's anything that you'd like to see added to and/or expanded upon, please let us know by sending us a smile.

The make good (customer) window provides capabilities for reviewing and dealing with the clearing (canceling, trashing) spots that will no longer be aired for whatever reasons may exist. This version of the make good windows summarize the make goods as they relate to each and every Contract line item related to a single Customer. The window can be access from the MakeGood.


Main Menu


Main Body

This list contains entries for each Contract line item for a particular Customer that have one or more potential make good spots. To see more details on a particular Contract line item, use the mouse to double click on the Contract line item you wish to view more about. This will open a even deeper view. (See MakeGoodDetail.)

This list is MyViews enabled.




Trash Button

Cancels/trashes the selected entries designated by the check mark on the check boxes next to each item in the list.


Context Menu

If you right click anywhere in the list, the context menu associated provides several tools to quickly select (or not) the items you wish. The following tools are available:


Hot Keys


Additional Information

See MakeGood.
See MyViews.