



PRIMARY OPERATOR - Please note that in order to protect the integrity and stability of the system, the capabilities mentioned below apply to the Administrator role (primary operator); if you are not the primary operator and you need any changes made to the system that require the use of the following instructions, please contact your primary operator with your request(s).

This window shows all stations. It can be launched directly from the Settings.



Main Menu






Context Menu


New Button

Clicking on the New button opens the new window to facilitate the creation of a new item..


Hot Keys



This window contains all of the details related to a station including the name, call letters, address, logo and settings related to scheduling and billing.


This window is accessed from Stations.

The station details is separated into several tabs. See Common UI Behaviors.

  • Active - When checked, station is available for use. When unchecked, station is not available... essentially marking the station as "can be removed".



The general tab contains the basic information about the station. (See Image Above).


  • Name - User definable station designation.
  • Call Letters
    System configured and licensed station call letters. Call letters are assigned when the station is created based on licensing and can not be modified by anyone outside of RT customer service. When call letters are wrapped with the bracket characters, these "stations" are unable to utilize any features related to spots, Formats, Templates, Log, etc.
  • Url - Station web address.



The address tab provides a means to specify the address, phone and logo used when printing Contract Confirmations and Statements.


  • Address - The street address.
  • City - The city.
  • State - The state.
  • Postal - The postal code, zip or zip+four.
  • Country - The country.
  • Phone - The phone.
  • Logo - The button next to the Logo name provide an open file dialog allowing you to find and select an image to be used. The image will automatically be resized proportionally to fit the 96dpi 160x160 pixel size required.

    CS The logo should also be either a .PNG or .BMP file format which are "loss-less" image formats, .JPG should be avoided as it is "lossy" (meaning that it is more concerned with making the file smaller than it is about the integrity of the image). Additionally, the resize algorithm included in RT is basic; for best results, we highly recommend resizing the image using software specifically designed for graphic editing.

    Note: In logo here will be used on Invoices. For Statements and Confirmations, see Group.
  • Report Override - The report override section is seperated into two parts. The check box allows the override to be enabled or disabled. If disabled, the information provided in the address, city, state, postal, country and phone will be automatically formatted (and displayed below) for use on the Contract Confirmations and Statements. If enabled, whatever is typed into the provided box will be used instead.




Log Placement Weight

  • Levels
    This allows you to set the placement importance of items such as percentage of rate, priority codes, etc. Also, you can restrict the number of days in advance Logs can be locked and/or generated.
    • Contract Length - How long the Contract is running for - the longer the order is running, the higher the priority.
    • Advertiser Longevity - How long the Customer has been running on the station.
    • Quantity of Spots - How many spots are scheduled on the Contract - the more spots per week, the higher the priority.
    • Rate Percent - What the spot rate is on any given Contract - the higher the rate, the higher the priority.
    • Scheduling Window - What the time frame is on the Contract for ex: 6a - 7a or 6a - 7p.
    • Placement - Refers directly to codes listed on the Contract line item (01-10).

Log Generation

Settings related to Log generation; meaning the creation of the blank Logs that can then have spots placed on them.

  • Days Forward - How many Logs exist in the system for this station. The default is 30.

Customer Separation

Each Customer can be configured to have a particular separation amount, or you can do this at a per-station basis.

  • Type - The way that separation will be determined; options include:
    • None - Effectively disabled at the station level.
    • Minute - The number of minutes specified in the amount field.
    • Avail - The number of avails specified in the amount field.
  • Amount - This field is used by the Type field to determine the amount of the separation.




Contains several settings that are related to the Billing for this station.


Invoice Certified Text

Whenever you print Invoices that have the certified flag specified, this is the text that will be printed on every page. You can choose to use the default certified text or you can replace it with whatever you'd like it to read. Additionally, the Invoice certified text supports replacement tokens:

  • <day> - Day number of Today.
  • <month> - Month number of Today.
  • <monthname> - Month name of Today.
  • <year> - Year number of Today.
  • <printeddate> - Today.
  • <invoicedate> - The date of the Invoice.
  • <callletters> - The call letters of the station.
  • <stationname> - The name of the station.
  • <notarysig> - A pre-configured block of text that includes formatted fields for * notary signature and seal.
  • <invoicenumber> - The Invoice number.
  • <itemcount> - Total count of all original Invoice line items.
  • <itemtotal> - Total dollar amount for all original Invoice line items.
  • <transactioncount> - Total count for all transactions associated with this * Invoice.
  • <transactiontotal> - Total dollar amount of all transactions associated with this Invoice.
  • <agencycommission> Agency commission dollar amount.
  • <balancedue> - Balance due dollar amount.
  • <spotcount> - Total count for all spot based Invoice line items.
  • <spottotal> - Total dollar amount for all spot based Invoice line items.
  • <oarcount> - Total count for all off air revenue Invoice line items.
  • <oartotal> - Total dollar amount for all off air revenue Invoice line items.

Default Template:

AFFIDAVIT OF PERFORMANCE: I certify that, in accordance 
with the official station logs, <spotcount> announcement(s) 
were broadcast as shown on this invoice.


Invoice Notary Text

Whenever you print Invoices that have the notary required flag specified, this is the text that will be printed on every page. You can choose to use the default notary text or you can replace it with whatever you'd like it to read. Additionally, the Invoice notary text supports the same replacement tokens as Invoice Certified Text template.

Default Template:

The above items were broadcast within ten minutes of 
the times specified according to official station logs 
affidavit of services rendered.

State ______________ County Of _______________

The undersigned having been duly sworn deposes and states 
that this station in accordance with the above invoice had 
rendered broadcasting service.


Invoice Footer Comment

The Invoice footer comment allows you to define what will be printed at the very bottom of every page of the Invoice. The available space on the Invoice is limited; however, you can place several sentences worth of information in this field. Just understand that this will reduce the amount of available area to print on each page accordingly.



Automation System (Export)


  • Product
    The AutomationSystem used by the station.
  • Automation Log Path
    The output path for the locked Log export. Click the button with the three dots to open a window allowing you to find the network path for the export.

    CS It is possible, in Premier, to "export a log" via FTP. To do so, just use the standard URL for FTP; which is formatted as "ftp://user:password@server/url-path" instead of a physical file path. When locking a log, the "exported" file will be automatically uploaded to the server and location configured using the specified user and password credentials.

    CS It is also possible, in Premier, to "export a log" via email. To do so, just use the standard URL for email; which is formatted as "mailto://" instead of a physical file path. When locking a log, the "exported" file will be sent via email to the address specified as a file attachment. (Note: This does require that your email settings are configured in Settings->Email.)

  • Station Identifier
    Code needed by some Automation_Systems to designate individual exports.

Automation System (Import)

  • Product - The AutomationSystem used by the station.
  • Aired Log Path - Input file path for aired log exports from on-air automation. Click the button with the three dots to open a window allowing you to find the network path for the import.
  • Station Identifier - Code needed by some Automation_Systems to designate individual exports.

The Linked checkbox between the Export and Import sections will checked by default and "links" the Product and Station Identifier fields of both sections together since most scenarios the export and import are to the same type of product.



Users of the system who are authorized to view, edit or enter data for this station.


See Users.



There are multiple sub-tabs on this tab that provide the ability to create a template that will be used when sending mass emails.



You can choose to use the default Invoice email notification or you can replace it with whatever you'd like it to read. Additionally, the Invoice email notification text supports the following replacement tokens:

  • <invoicenumber> - The formatted Invoice number.
  • <customername> - Name of the Customer.
  • <contactname> - Contact name of the Customer.
  • <representativename> - Name of the Salesperson.

Default Template:

Invoice <invoicenumber>


For your convenience, please review the attached invoice.




If you have the EmailMyTimes add-on, when will also see a EmailMyTimes tab.

You can choose to use the default EmailMyTimes notification or you can replace it with whatever you'd like it to read. Additionally, the notification text supports the following replacement tokens:

  • <callletters> - The call letters of the station.
  • <stationname> - The name of the station.
  • <contactname> - Contact name of the Customer.
  • <firstname> - Contacts first name of the Customer.
  • <lastname> - Contacts last name of the Customer.
  • <customername> - Name of the Customer.
  • <representativename> - Name of the Salesperson.
  • <list> - Preformatted list of scheduled air times.

Default Template:

Scheduled Air Times for <stationname>

Hi <contactname>,

Here are the times your announcements will run for 


If you have any questions, please feel free contact me 

Thanks for your business!


EmailMyTimes, when active, will send automatically when you lock a Log to export it for the day. You MUST make sure that you have your EmailSettings are correct AND the Customer needs to have an e-mail address in their Customer settings.


CA Notary

Chapter 197, Statutes of 2014 amends California Civil Code section 1189 to require the addition of the following specific disclaimer to the top of the form certificate of acknowledgment: "A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document."  The disclaimer must be legible and in an enclosed box.

What this means is we had to adjust "Notary" portion for California invoices.

If the Customer address is in California, you will get a box in your "Notary" invoices similar to:


Here are the links to this info:





Additional Information

See Station.
See MyViews.
See Common UI Behaviors.