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Software and services for the radio industry.

Premier 2013/2014

Modified: 2018/10/24 14:11 by EricCrocker - Uncategorized

Premier 2013/2014


Recent Changes


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Modified
      • The installation location has changed. Please use the dashboard message stating this to automatically launch the web browser pointing to the location for the correct install and the Windows Control Panel's Add/Remove Programs. From here, uninstall the RadioTraffic.com application before attempting to use the installation on the target web page. The release notes and future updates will be available once you do this.


Prior Changes


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Fixed
      • When creating a new Contract line item, changing the Schedule from Weekly (or SPW) to something else and back again "clears" the Skip Week value in such a way that (blank), if not corrected (such as setting back to None) prior to saving, will produce a line item with no spots.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Added
      • Added optional "Voice" column to the Customer Copy list (available if Voice optional feature is enabled).
      • Added optional "Owner" column to the Aged Collections reports.
        Click to view

        Click to view

      • Added optional "Note" column to the CopyList window.
        Click to view

        Click to view

    • Modified
      • When modifying the Agency commission field, the prompt asking if you'd like to recalculate all existing Invoices has been removed. Modifying the commission field on the Agency now takes affect on all Contracts going forward. To change the commission of a previously entered Contract/Invoice, use Correction Mode as this tool is designed to "change historical information."
      • The Billing window now has all elements "disabled" while it is busy processing.
      • It is now possible to email Invoices overnight using the Billing window; specifically, you can initiate the process before leaving and the application will no longer automatically exit due to inactivity until the emails have been completed.
    • Fixed
      • When attempting to Trash a Transaction in AR, an error message is presented.
  • Premier 2014
    • Added
    • Modified
      • It is no longer possible to Trash a Pending Contract revision.
        Click to view

        Click to view

      • The Sales Person column on Customers has been renamed to Owner.
        Click to view

        Click to view

      • The Sales Person label on the Customer window has been renamed to Owner.
        Click to view

        Click to view

    • Fixed
      • When deleting a Contract revision, the previous Contracts in the chain aren't refreshed in such a way to allow further actions such as Delete.
      • The Invalid Rotation/Contract/Copy report isn't reflecting missing Copy in circumstances where Rotation is being set on some, but not all, Contract line item and the line item(s) without the Rotation field being specifically set is being checked. It appears that the check passes if there is valid Copy on the Rotation that is assigned to a line item; however, it shouldn't since that Rotation is directly assigned to a line item other than the one being evaluated.
      • When attempting to modify the Schedule type on a Contract line item where the entry is currently Weekly (or SPW) and Skip Weeks is set to something other than None, the line item can not be saved due to the red exclamations stating that the schedule is invalid.
      • When using the Daily Calendar button to schedule a Contract line item, the Apply Pattern button used without any other modifications doesn't cause the window to understand that changes have been made... pressing the OK button loses all the changes made by using the Apply Pattern. Things work as expected if any changes in addition to the usage of this button.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Modified
      • A Contract that is invalid is now presented as a line with a red background to draw attention. The asterisk identification method has been removed (unless Color Hints is not enabled).
      • It is no longer possible to Trash a partially Approved (Pending) Contract.
      • Adding/duplicating a line on partially Approved (Pending) Contract now shows in the color red (instead of yellow) since this is a potential error condition.
      • Contracts that have been Trashed no longer show in a red font.
      • Contracts that are Pending and past their expected begin date now show on the window highlighted in red (error).
      • Contracts that are Pending and before their expected begin date now show on the window highlighted in yellow (attention).
    • Fixed
      • If a filter is applied in Billing, clicking the Process... button while only have some of the items checked to be processed; the items that are left are automatically checked upon reloading. If the existing filter is not unchecked or modified, the "hidden" items are also automatically checked when refreshing and if the Process button is further clicked under this circumstance, all the "hidden" items (that are still checked, but shouldn't be) are also processed.
      • If a filter is applied in the Print Invoices (AR), after printing the first batch the list is refreshed and the filter is reapplied; however, the items that are filtered are not automatically unchecked as they should be.
      • The Rotation field on the Contract line item window is visible (Premier 2013) and should not be as this feature does not work in Premier 2013.
  • Premier 2014
    • Added
    • Modified
      • The Delete tool on Contracts that has been modified with regards to Revise. When applied to the first Contract in a revision-chain, the whole chain can be deleted. When applied to the last Contract in the revision-chain, only that Contract will be deleted; leaving the other Contracts in the chain intact... effectively the same as Undo Revision; however, can be done no matter the circumstance. The Contracts sandwiched between the first and the last will no longer present the Delete tool as an option.
    • Fixed


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Added
      • The Log window now has a Reset tool to reset the overall layout of the columns to factory default. This tool is access through the main menu using View.
    • Modified
      • The NexGen automation system has been modified to provide better diagnostic messaging for circumstances where a cart # is missing.
      • The View menu on the Log window has been moved further to left for consistency with other windows throughout the application.
      • The Filter By Avail checkbox (Log window) has seen a slight performance improvement in relation to usage while the selected Log item is at the top (or not yet selected).
      • The Advertiser, Representative and Contract columns has been renamed to Customer, Sales Person and Contract # on the Log window for consistency.
    • Fixed
      • When an existing filter is enabled on the Billing, PrintStatements or EmailStatements windows, when opening the window the filter is not automatically unchecking the filtered items like it does when originally applying the filter.
      • When working with an AutomationCommand, the Command and Cart # fields are showing as not being required until you type something in and subsequently remove what was typed in; in either case, you are incorrectly able to save regardless of whether something is entered in these fields or not.
  • Premier 2014
    • Added
    • Modified
      • The Revise tool applied to a Contract can now be affected up until the Contract last billing cycle date.
      • Revise can further be affected for Agency related Contracts up to three weeks beyond the Contract last billing cycle date.
      • The PrintStatements and EmailStatements windows have been modified to optimize the view of the customer list based on Customer settings.
      • The Projected $ column on the Billing window has modified to reflect the "net effective" number.
      • The Projected $ column on the Billing window has been renamed to NE$ to match the Revenue Projection report.
    • Fixed
      • When attempting to open a Log for a Station that was recently created and there is Copy that is marked for all stations but hasn't been modified since the new Station was created the application crashes. To work around, use the CopyList to filter for all Copy that is for All Stations and Fill? is checked; open each one of these, uncheck the Include in Must Fill, Apply, check again, OK, repeat for next piece of Copy.
      • When using the Split Trade on Statements option (Group) on a Customer who is cash only, contains a credit balance where this balance is a sum of partially applied transactions, the Balance Forward portion of the Statement is incorrect.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Fixed
      • The Notes tab on Customer is missing (Premier 2013 only).
  • Premier 2014
    • Modified
      • The Confirmation will now filter "zeroed" off-air revenue items when using the Merge Revised Contracts on Confirmations (Group).


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Modified
      • The Ad-ID field on Copy has been increased slightly to support "piggyback" identifiers (two 12 character codes separated by a space).
      • Modified the "out of the box" (default) skin to utilize Dark Side (instead of Darkroom).
      • Renamed the existing skin that was named Default to Black.
    • Fixed
      • When modifying existing Copy, the Script section being modified alone is not enough to enable the Apply button; thus preventing saving of the change.
      • When adding new Copy, the Cart # field is not set as the default field.
      • When locking a Log that will be using the MustFill feature after a spot has been bumped, the application exits.
      • It is possible that the Contracts on the right hand side of the window don't match selected (filtered) Customer on the left hand side of the window when filtering for a Customer that is currently not already selected.
  • Premier 2014
    • Fixed
      • When combining the options Co-Op Group By Copy Name on Invoices and Co-Op Summarize on Invoices (Group) with further circumstances where the number of entries exceeds the allotted space on the line, the time(s) on subsequent times(s) will be obscured by the following line entry.
      • When Contracts have Daily line items, have one or more revisions and Merge Revised Contracts on Confirmations (Group) are in the mix, the resulting Confirmation is presented incorrectly; numbers are wrong, all lines aren't being shown, etc.
      • When adding a new Adjustment, changing the Type to Trade Credit Adjustment, the Station field is being reset to "blank" instead of the previously selected value of Any. Additionally, when changing the default Type to something else and attempting to press the OK button, a database related error is presented preventing the Adjustment from being saved.
      • The CTRL+Up and CTRL+Down keys are adjusting the times but not the position of the spots in an avail on the Log.


  • Premier 2013/2014.
    • Added
    • Modified
      • When exporting to the SS32 Automation_System, the messaging around situations causing the export to fail has been significantly improved to better assist in diagnosing the problem in order to get the issue(s) resolved.
      • The CopyList, Contracts and Contract windows have been updated to better reflect "expired" entries regardless of the Skin being currently utilized.
      • When attempting to save a Contract, the save process will now validate whether or not the Logs for the duration of the saved items are opened; if so, you are prevented from saving the Contract until the target Logs are closed. Information is presented as to the Station, date and User for each Log.
      • When entering the a Contract, the background color of the line item(s) have been changed from red to yellow; throughout the software, red = "bad". The act of entering a line item isn't "bad"; yellow represents notice/warning which is more in line with the intent of why these lines are colored in the first place in order to reflect that the Contract is not approved.
      • In order to further reduce confusion, several roles have been renamed to better distinguish the "role" from a "job title". Traffic Manager is now Traffic, Billing Manager is now Billing, Traffic Assistant is now Traffic Read-Only and Billing Assistant is now Billing Read-Only.
      • When encountering a situation where the Log shows that it is open by another person (including the name of that person); the information already presented has been further enhanced to include additional details as to why this could occur are now presented along with additional information as to how to deal with the situation.
      • When utilize the MustFill feature, the Log will now work in two different modes. Mode A (the recommended) is based on the idea that MustFill is a safety net specifically designed to handle the situation where an Automation_System is unable/unwilling to fill the material on their end. Mode A means that you create a "Fill" Customer and populate that Customer with PSA/Promo related Copy. When only one Customer is configured with MustFill material, the Log will do its best to make sure that the same Copy is not back to back. In Mode B, multiple Customers contain Copy that can be used with MustFill. In Mode B, the Log will do its best to not only make sure that the same Copy is not back to back, but will also attempt to make sure that the same Customer is not placed back to back. Because of this, it is possible that Mode B might not MustFill if enough material does not exist to ensure that there is enough material to keep this separation intact.
      • The RCS and Prophet NexGen Automation_Systems exports has been modified so that it will no longer export if one or more cart numbers is blank/missing.
      • Under circumstances where the as-play file is necessary to begin the Log reconciliation and, for whatever reason(s), the file is currently unavailable; the Log now clearly identifies this situation.
      • Renamed existing CBSI to CBSI v1.x under Automation_Systems.
      • The CTRL+S key in the Log has been made less ambiguous; on one hand, it was showing on the main menu as being Save but when pressed it would show a narrowed LogSummary of the highlighted spot. CTRL+S is now used to Save and CTRL+N is now assigned to display the narrowed LogSummary.
      • Considering the official use of "ISCI" was "retired" in 2007; we feel it is high time we officially move to "Ad-ID"; this is mostly just a "label change" and you can continue to consider it an ISCI Code. However, we are also moving from the legacy 8 character support of "ISCI" to the 12 character support of "Ad-ID".
      • The Log editor has been enhanced to include additional "summary" information when it is loading/saving a Log.
      • The Log editor has been modified so that the menus, toolbars, etc. are no longer accessible when loading/saving a Log.
      • When opening the Customer window, the window now appears more quickly.
      • The Log has been updated to reduce the amount of time it takes to remove a single entry from the Invalid Copy tab by 50%.
      • A Refresh tool (under the View main menu) has been added to the Reports selection window.
      • All Reports (windows) have been modified to include a glyph for the Refresh tool (under the View main menu).
      • It is now possible to modify the MustFill field on Avails while working with a Log.
      • When trashing "many" spots using MakeGoods, there is little to no communication that the software is busy.
      • The Rotation field on a Contract line item is now an option that can be enabled in Group options. The default for this option is off.
      • The Spots Per Week column (line items) on the Contract window has been renamed to Schedule to reflect a more generic term for the information being presented.
      • The Audit Trail report has been removed due to currently being inaccurate and incomplete.
    • Fixed
      • If you use the mouse to right click on the Password field when attempting to log into to the software and use the context menu to Paste the password, the OK button is not available.
      • When modifying a line item in the Log, upon trying to save the Log, a database error is presented preventing the Log from being saved.
      • When sorting the list of Contracts in the Contracts window by the Contract number, if revisions are included on the selected Customer, the order of the numbers is not actually in sorted order.
      • When searching for a Contract by number, the Customer is selected; however, in many circumstances, the Contract being located is not automatically being selected.
      • If you try to create a Program with the same name for the same Station, the Program initially appears on the list and then vanishes when you close and open the Template window. We've modified it so that if a Program that has previously been trashed and a new Program with the same name for the same Station is subsequently created, the original is now resurrected.
      • The Retry/Cancel message is not taking into account existing CR and/or LF characters; causing the formatting to be a little "odd".
      • The application exits if you attempt to hold down the delete key in order to remove (without releasing the delete key between each delete; in other words, to automatically repeat) a dozen or so invalid Copy entries on the Log.
      • When adding a new Clock, the exclamation glyph is not clearing after selecting a Station as it should.
      • The Dashboard appears to not recognize "Stations" that aren't "Stations" (that are surrounded by the square bracket characters with regards to locking of the Logs.
      • When adding/modifying an Agency, the cursor is defaulting to the 'EDI#' field instead of the Name field.
      • When working with Automation_Systems, the linked checkbox appears to be only looking at the name of the Automation_System. It should take into account the tag (if applicable) as part of this check since it is possible that the two, under very specific circumstances, could be different for the export and import files.
      • When working duplicating a Rotation on a Contract and then modifying the start and/or end date so that the existing Copy becomes invalid or "incomplete", the Copy list is still displaying the Copy as green instead of yellow or red.
      • When modifying the Roles of a User, unchecking the check box next to a Station appears to clear out the Roles; however, when saved and reopened, the Station and Roles are not actually saved. If you uncheck the actual Roles, this does save.
      • The Log doesn't appear to be remembering the column header and grouping layout between different states of the Logs (working, locked, reconcile, invoiced).
      • The narrowed LogSummary (Log) would fail to automatically filter if a Customer name contained one or more apostrophes.
      • If you open the Log by using a Dashboard task item and you immediately close the Log using the X button (effectively before the Log has completely loaded), the application exits.
      • When viewing a Customer under the circumstances where Finance Charges are enabled and the Customer was created/modified at a time when Finance Charges were not enabled, the Finance Charge field will be blank. The Finance Charge field is not presented as being "invalid" and any change made to the Customer will be prevented from being saved since the Finance Charge field is invalid (but not obviously shown as being invalid). To work around this issue until the next update, please verify that the Finance Charge field has a value under these conditions and the OK button should become visible upon fixing the value; allowing you to progress forward with you other change(s).
      • Because it "doesn't do anything", the prompt for a reason why an Invoice, Payment or Adjustment was modified should be removed.
      • When saving a modified Template as a Format, the Save option is being incorrectly cleared since the modified Template has yet to be saved. (It is being "saved" as a Format; however, the Template hasn't actually been saved.)
      • The Pay tab in Billing has been updated so that only Payment and Trade Payment transactions are evaluated (adjustments are purposefully excluded).
      • The printed Invoice shows "Sub Total"; should be "Subtotal".
  • Premier 2014
    • Modified
      • When sending an Invoice via email, the associated "from" address has been modified to favor the SalesPerson who "owns" the Customer over the SalesPerson of record on the Invoice.
      • If person on another computer trashes as spot while a person is in a Log and that spot is on the Log at the time that it was trashed while the spot is actively being utilized in the opened Log, the Log will no longer allow the spot to be saved to the Log; an error will be presented stating clearly the time the spot is currently scheduled on the Log as well as the Contract number. At this point, the Log cannot be saved until these spots are bumped.
      • The behavior of the "open item" style of Statements has been modified by reviewing the information to be contained by utilizing a two phase approach. Phase one determines all items that have a balance. Phase two determines all items that are considered activity for the reporting period regardless of the balance. This information is then further evaluated to potentially pull in any additional items based on the "chaining" rule applied to the "open item" style of Statement.
      • When Revise is used on a Contract that contains SPW based line items, depending on the specific circumstances, it may be necessary to convert the SPW line into a Weekly line in order to gracefully "split the week". This helps to ensure that, going forward, the number of spots originally scheduled versus the one's now scheduled on the revision don't overlap as a "whole week unit"; instead, the spots are now using a "per day unit" because of the conversion to Weekly.
      • When using assisted log reconciliation and there are spots using a "LIVE" cart number, there is a change in behavior wherein these spots are no longer marked as "not reconciled" (clearing the check box and aired time); instead it is now assumed that these spots "aired" since they were, by definition, "LIVE".
      • When modifying a Contract (or even creating a new Contract), the list of Customers available has been modified to no longer include Inactive or Trashed Customers; unless of course, the Contract in question belongs to a Customer that is Inactive or Trashed.
      • It is now possible to Undo Revise on a revised Contract that has not yet been Approved.
      • It is now possible to access the Salespeople tool in Settings as a Traffic Manager role.
      • When using the Merge Revised Contracts on Confirmations option (Group window), the Confirmations now renumber revision(s) using a revision number * 100 + line number format in order to be able to better review the resulting document. There are currently two known limitations in this approach: a) If there are more than 9 revisions to a particular Contract revision chain, the line number will possibly get cut off or be on two different lines (depending on other enabled options). b) If the line count on an individual Contract is more than 99, this can also cause the resulting numbers to be a little confusing. Additionally, these merged Contract Confirmations now remove any line(s) that are no longer "active".
      • When print a Confirmation that is using the Calendar scheduling option and one or more weeks are skipped; the confirmation now reflects this with the words skip week instead of 0,0,0,0,0,0,0.
      • When utilizing a Cash and Trade combined Customer account as well as the option to Split Trade on printed Statements, this type of document has been modified to better reflect that that Trade portion amount is Trade Amount (instead of the previous Amount label) as well as the, again optional, Aging portion of the Statement is included; if Cash and Trade are on the Statement, the Aging section will only reflect the Cash amount(s). In other words, with Split Trade is enabled and the Statement is both Cash and Trade, Trade is effectively treated as "additional information".
      • The Copy windows have been updated to improve overall performance related to loading and refreshing information.
    • Fixed
      • When viewing an existing Transaction as a User with only the Billing role, the Type field available for modification and shouldn't be.
      • When working a Log that contains a Contract where the rotation contains Copy that has been altered after the fact to modify the Station in a way that would make the Copy invalid, the Copy still appears to be valid if all other considerations (other than Station) are still valid. The Log is able to be locked, however, the cart # will either be exported as blank, "0000" or an error will be presented stating that the Log can not be exported due to a missing Category or cart #.
      • When viewing a Contract that is a revision and closing this Contract, the Contracts window momentarily displays the "internal" number instead of the "revision chain" number as it should while it is refreshing the Contracts list.
      • The Dashboard is showing revised Contracts using the "internal" number instead of the "revision chain" number as it should be.
      • When entering a Contract line item, it is possible to type in something like "23blahblah" in the start time or end time and it appears that it's valid however the OK button is not available. It should be presenting the red exclamation indicator when the start/end time is not valid.
      • It appears that when you reverse an Invoice, the agency commission amount is being reset to $0 for Invoices that should actually have an amount in this column. The agency commission amount is restored at the time the Invoice is finalized; it's just a cosmetic/display issue when reviewing the list of Invoices in Billing.
      • The Annual Sales Review report appears to be inadvertently including debit adjustments.
      • If you have a situation where that Automation_System is configured for both export and import (as-play) and you decide to temporarily disable the import portion by setting the Automation_System to None while still leaving the Path value intact, the Log (and Station window) will see this as Linked and change the setting accordingly. This is because the Path value was not cleared out causing this to look like "the old way" and the mechanism in place to make the transition smoothly from the old way to the new way was inadvertently resetting the setting. This mechanism has been removed since the transition is well behind us.
      • When viewing the PendingContracts window, the Contract numbers are representing the "internal" number instead of the "dot-notation" number as it should.
      • When using the Duplicate tool in Contracts to duplicate a Contract that has one or more line items configured using Daily as the scheduling option and modifying one or more of these line items to be something other than Daily, the Contract refuses to be Approved due to the remnants of the Daily schedule.
      • The "total" section of the printed Invoice has needs to be increased slightly in size in order to accommodate the addition of Spot/OAR counts enabled through the Group options.
      • When opening an existing Payment that is set to Escrow, the Station field is coming up as blank instead of selecting Escrow as it should.
  • EZ-NET
    • Modified
      • It is now necessary to add the EZNET role to any and all Users that will be responsible for managing the EZ-NET schedules. (Excluding Administrator who has access to all parts of the system regardless of any other settings.)
      • The Inventory report now excludes NetworkShows when configured as recommended.
    • Fixed
      • When modifying the EzScript of a NetworkShow, the EzScript is not applied until the EZ-NET window is closed and reopened.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Modified
      • When entering a Contract that is utilizing Skip Weeks; if the start date and the days of the week don't really "make sense", instead of "trying to make it work" the system now rejects the schedule due to be invalid/confusing.
      • The word Copy has been replaced with the word Rotation on the Contract line item window to better reflect the intent of the field.
      • Slight performance gain when loading Invoice details on the Billing window.
      • Performance improvements when loading a Log related to retrieving bump spot(s) and make good spot(s).
  • Premier 2014
    • Modified
      • Performance improvements when loading a Log related to retrieving rotation cache.
    • Fixed
      • When attempting to Force Invoice... as spot using the SpotDetail window, upon selecting the Copy entry, the application unexpectedly exits. As a temporary work around, please use the Add Spot... tool available on the Invoice.
      • The TFN column appears to not exist on the Contract Report.
      • When using correction mode to add an OAR line item to a Contract that has already invoiced (but not yet approved) and, instead of using the Tools menu to Approve, click the OK button to save and close (placing the Contract into a partially approved/pending status and then using the Approve tool on the Contracts window (accessed through the context menu); the Invoice is prevented from automatically transitioning between the gathering and pending tabs in the Billing window.
  • EZ-NET
    • Added
      • Introducing support for Sun Broadcast Group.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Added
      • Initial support for Digital Jukebox as-play log import.
    • Modified
      • When modifying a cart number on an Invoice, the name of the Copy will now replace the existing description of the Invoice item. If you choose the None entry, the description will be cleared/emptied/erased.
      • When opening a Contract, the lower left hand portion of the window has been modified to include the current "task" taking place during the loading process.
      • Improved (reduced) the time required to load the Contract window specifically during the determining of sales people (more specifically, determining "historical" sales people; sales people who are currently not configured with a commission but have been configured as a sales person on one or more Contracts, Invoices, payments and/or adjustments.
    • Fixed
      • Under certain circumstances, especially with several years worth of Contracts, large amount of rotations, and more than usual amounts of Copy; revising or duplicating a Contract can take a ridiculous amount of time (beyond 15 minutes, the application appears to be locked up) to initially process before you can make modifications.
      • When generating a Statement and it includes the Aging table, the "31-60" column is incorrectly titled "30-60".
      • The application will fail to start if: a) adding a new Station, b) selecting an AutomationSystem this Station that requires at least one Category, c) exiting the software before creating at least one Category.
      • When add or removing an Add-On, the existing options in the Group window that are currently active are being set to inactive; effectively setting the system back to "factory default". This is not the desired behavior; the existing options should be retained whenever adding/removing any Add-On that does not affect the current options.
      • Under some circumstances, when checking the checkbox for "Usable by MUSTFILL" on the Copy window, MUSTFILL might not recognize the Copy as something that it could utilize.
  • Premier 2014
    • Modified
      • The lookup list for the Product field on the Contract window is now limited to product codes entered on "recent" Contracts.
      • When a Contract is configured to have one or more line items that are directly attached to a rotation and also one or more line items that are set to Automatic; the rotation(s) that are attached to the line items are no longer included in the possible rotations for those that are set to Automatic.
      • The Cart # column on the Contract window has been renamed to Rotation #.
      • The Dashboard notices related to Contract approval have been enhanced to include (when appropriate) the Customer name in addition to the Contract number.
    • Fixed
      • The Print (Confirmation), Print (Invoice) and Print (Statement) columns on the Customer report never seem to show anything.
      • When opening a revised Contract, the lower left hand portion of the Contracts window shows the "internal" number instead of the "dot-notation" number.
      • When attempting to open a Contract that is currently open by someone else, the message displayed is showing the "internal" number instead of the "dot-notation" number.
      • When duplicating a Customer, the address, phone and email information is not being saved (if left unchanged).
      • When right mouse click on an item in the Template window and choosing the Modify... action, nothing happens. It should work the same as double-clicking on an item in order to modify the existing item.
  • EZ-NET
    • Modified
      • The default behavior when importing schedules for Westwood One, United Stations Networks, ESPN, Compass Media Networks and ADLarge Media has been modified to no longer automatically merge multiple dayparts into a one. It is now necessary to use the EzScript mergedayparts variable to enable this. See NetworkShow - Variables for more details.
      • The recently added variable to EzScript portion of a NetworkShow can now be utilized to modify the behavior of how Westwood One, United Stations Networks, ESPN, Compass Media Networks and ADLarge Media schedules are imported. By modifying the mergedayparts variable, the pledge times can optionally be merged into a single daypart during the import process. Otherwise, the default behavior will attempt to keep things completely separate ("dayparts") based on the schedule from the respective network. See NetworkShow - Variables for more details.
      • When importing from Westwood One, United Stations Networks, ESPN, Compass Media Networks and ADLarge Media, any time a specific pledge time is encountered, we will now set the start and end time to be the start time of the time pledged and the end time to that time plus 59 seconds.
      • When modifying the default behavior of a NetworkShow, new "warnings" are visible which serve to recommend against these modifications.
      • Whenever a NetworkShow has had the default behavior modified (for the purposes of "modified", this currently excludes an associated EzScript), the NetworkShow will be displayed on the EZ-NET window with a warning notation prepended to the network name.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Fixed
      • As Administrator (and Administrator Assistant in 2014), the Options menu of the Contract window is always visible regardless of whether or not it is an existing or new Contract. It should not be there for a new Contract.
  • Premier 2014
    • Fixed
      • When a Contract has an off-air revenue line item scheduled for weekly, is using a day other than Monday and you save the Contract so that it is still Pending; if you right mouse click in Contracts to Approve, the Contract is approved incorrectly as Monday for this line item. If you use the Approve tool inside of the Contract window or approve this type of Contract from the PendingContracts window, everything works as expected.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Added
      • Please help us to help you... take a moment to participate in the TDGA survey. To assist you in this, we've added a reminder to the Dashboard; once you've taken the survey, the reminder will be removed. Thanks in advance. As always, if you have anything that we can assist you with, please don't hesitate to contact us.
  • Premier 2014
    • Modified
      • Administrator Assistants now have complete access to "correction mode" on Contracts that have not had any Invoices finalized. In other words, they can make whatever changes to an approved Contract they desire up until the first Invoice has been "completed". Care should still be given as these changes can and most likely will affect several reports that are utilized by other people.
      • When the Contract window is opening, now refreshes just before loading the data so that the window doesn't look like there is a "void" during this process.
  • EZ-NET
    • Added
      • There is a new variable added to EzScript portion of a NetworkShow that can be utilized to modify the behavior of how Premiere Radio Networks schedules are imported. By setting the mergedayparts variable to a value of one, the pledge times will be merged into a single daypart during the import process.
    • Modified
      • When importing from Premiere Radio Networks, any time a specific pledge time is encountered, we will now set the start and end time to be the start time of the time pledged and the end time to that time plus 59 seconds.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Modified
      • When removing an off-air revenue item from an Invoice, the item will now automatically be marked Trashed preventing it from (possibly) immediately being placed back on the same Invoice as soon as the background invoicing processor starts. Typically people use the SpotDetail window to Force OAR... and then Force Trashed, the removal of an off-air revenue item on an Invoice now does the same thing as a single step.
    • Fixed
      • When encountering "missing copy" on Log where the spot has no valid Copy was previously placed on the log from the MakeGood tab and the Log was previously saved and then (after it's been previously saved in this manner), attempting to remove the spot from the Log and consequently attempting to save the Log can cause the system to exit to windows under conditions where the number of current items on the bump list are less than the number of items in the MakeGood list.
  • Premier 2014
    • Modified
      • It is no longer possible to utilize "correction mode" for a Contract that has had one or more Invoices finalized (approved). To use "correction mode" on this sort of Contract, it is now necessary to reverse all related Invoices prior to doing so. In other words, we will no longer be responsible for potentially reversing invoices that have been previously finalized due to changes being made to a contract; to make this sort of change, it is now necessary for you to reverse the invoice(s) before attempting to utilize "correction mode".
  • EZ-NET
    • Fixed
      • Some PRN schedules are not completing the import process due to recent changes to handle "missing XML" and "day parts".


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Modified
      • When working with the SpotDetail, MakeGood and Invoice windows, the capabilities based on role have been slightly modified based on feedback. Administrators are now required to reverse an invoice (if it was finalized) before they are able to reverse any individual spots/off-air revenue. Administrator assistants now have the ability to reverse spots/off-air revenue for any invoices that have not already been finalized. Traffic managers have the ability to reverse spots from a locked log so that they can be rescheduled to tomorrow. Rescheduling and reversal of spots are prohibited if the target spot exists on a log (whether on the log or the bump of said log) if someone is actively in that associated log. If the Traffic Manager is also a Billing Manager, they are able to reverse spots off a gathering invoice. Administrators, Administrator Assistants and Traffic Managers can trash and reverse trashed spots.
      • It is no longer possible to utilize "correction mode" for a Contract that has had one or more Invoices finalized (approved). To use "correction mode" on this sort of Contract, it is now necessary to reverse all related Invoices prior to doing so.
    • Fixed
      • The modification introduced in 1707 "When initially opening the Billing window and clicking on a tab while the information is still being retrieved, the tab no longer resets to the default upon the information being retrieved." caused the Process... button to not be visible when items are initially checked. Either toggling any individual item and/or selecting another tab clears this issue up. Until the next update, please use one of these as a temporary work around.
      • When viewing a gathering Invoice, it is possible to add a scheduled spot directly to the Invoice (bypassing the Log process). Additionally, it is also possible to resurrect a spot that has been previously trashed for this purpose. When resurrecting a trashed spot, bypassing the Log and placing it directly onto an Invoice, the Invoice tally is not being updated to reflect the resurrected spot which causes the Invoice to incorrectly stall during the Billing process (the Invoice appears to have more spots than is expected).
  • Premier 2014
    • Fixed
      • When using the Split Trade option for Statements and a Contract is entered with a RevenueType of None, the resulting Statement would contain duplicate entries. For the purposes of Split Trade on Statements, a RevenueType of None is treated as Cash.
      • When attempting to right click on an individual spot in the MakeGood window(s) to access the Reschedule... context menu, the application exits. Server-side solution, solution is available immediately.
      • When forcing a spot to be on an Invoice (bypassing the Log process) where this spot was previously rescheduled to the following billing cycle, the Invoice tallies are incorrect. To solve this scenario, the system will not "forcefully" set the date of the spot (ie. reschedule) to the date specified when adding to the Invoice. It should go without saying, but the date specified should be a valid date for the overall date range of the billing cycle of the target Invoice.
  • EZ-NET
    • Modified
      • The PRN portion has been modified to no longer attempt to utilize the Generate XML button; instead we are now reading the information directly from the page since the button (file download) is appearing to fail (be empty) more and more.
      • The PRN import when reading directly from the page has been modified so that it worked more similar to the original file (Generate XML button) method. This means that the daypart information is no longer merged; instead, we attempt to honor the dayparts as imported. If this seems to cause issues, we will have to evaluate further.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Fixed
      • When running TrafficXP on the same computer as the 1707 update, TrafficXP was prevented from launching due to an addition to the settings.xml file that is used by Premier. This setting has been moved to another location. If still unable to launch TrafficXP, start Premier, exit and upon doing this the settings.xml file will be modified to no longer include this additional setting; effectively putting things back to the way things were prior to the 1707 update.
  • Premier 2014
    • Modified
      • When using the Open Item style of Statements, the last months worth of activity is now included regardless of whether the items are "open" or not. This can make for an extremely noisy statement, so consider carefully when deciding to enable Open Item for a particular client that either pays "randomly" or payments and invoices are potentially heavily "cross-linked".


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Modified
      • Added icons to the context menus on Customer and Contract windows.
      • Instead of just disabling a context menu item (but still visible) on the Customer and Contract windows when something is not available, the menu entry is now completely removed (when it is not enabled) in order to remove/reduce confusion.
      • CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+R to "reset all layouts" has been removed since there is a menu item available to do the same thing.
      • CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+R (since it is no longer needed and can be repurposed) is now used to automatically start PSR.EXE (Problem Steps Recorder, part of Microsoft Windows) in recording mode with 100 maximum screen captures, a maximum log size of 10MB, automatically creating a file name (using todays date and time) and location (a PSR folder located on your Windows Desktop) upon stopping the recording. The recording will automatically be stopped when you exist RT, saving the current recording. If the recording is still active after exiting RT (unexpectedly), the next time you start RT, PSR.EXE recording will be stopped, saving the current recording. This key combination is only available when the Dashboard is the window that contains the current keyboard focus. This is a "toggle" and it is persistent across RT executions.
      • Several (beta) options in Group have been modified, removed and/or consolidated under the Enhanced Permissions section. The Traffic Manager related options have been removed and the Administrator Assistant ones have been renamed to be more clear in their purpose as well as verified as to their current functionality. By focusing the options on Administrator Assistant, things can be made more clear and the overall intent can be achieved. If you wish to extend (delegate) Administrator capabilities, it is now limited to only the Administrator Assistant role. In order for someone to have access to the "modified" Administrator Assistant role, the Administrator is the person that needs to modify the User account accordingly.
      • The Scheduling and Billing portion of the Customer has been modified by moving the Billing Cycle, Revenue Source, Revenue Type and other optionally related "billing" related fields from the Scheduling tab to the Billing Tab.
      • When initially opening the Billing window and clicking on a tab while the information is still being retrieved, the tab no longer resets to the default upon the information being retrieved.
    • Fixed
      • The Enco automation Log export has been modified to allow an A (the "factory" default), L, S or N character immediately following the 5 digit (numeric) cart number to control the "transition" of event exported (and imported into the Enco automation system). This provides the ability to control the transition on a cart number by cart number basis, overriding the default. The "factory" default can be changed by using the Station Identifier field in Station when configuring the automation system settings. See Enco.
  • Premier 2014
    • Modified
      • The Statement has been modified so that the past due message is never included if Credit Policy is set to None. A credit policy of None would suggest that there is no credit policy thus no definition of how past due (or how payment is expected).
      • When closing the Log, the Dashboard will now refresh the status of any (possible) pending Invoices.
      • The Split by Agency option related to Statements has been removed as it doesn't work as expected and/or desired. If you desire to have a separate Statement per Customer, separate the Customer accordingly.
      • Modified the Copy window so that a Traffic Manager can now Trash individual pieces of Copy.
      • In addition to the above mentioned "permission" changes, several other (beta) options in Group have been modified, removed and/or consolidated under the Enhanced Permissions section. The Billing Manager related options have been removed and the Administrator Assistant ones have been renamed to be more clear in their purpose as well as verified as to their current functionality. Several of these options were "placeholders" that currently did nothing and, as such, have been removed. By focusing the options on Administrator Assistant, things can be made more clear and the overall intent can be achieved. If you wish to extend (delegate) Administrator capabilities, it is now limited to only the Administrator Assistant role. In order for someone to have access to the "modified" Administrator Assistant role, the Administrator is the person that needs to modify the User account accordingly.
      • Soft Approval Mode in Group options has been removed; the "option" is no longer an option, it's just the way that system works with regards to future contracts (meaning that it is always enabled).
    • Fixed
      • The MakeGood windows have been updated to reflect the Contract revision chain number (not the internal numbers).
      • The GE$ 04 column on the Billing History report is incorrectly labeled as G#$ 04.
      • A Contract is incorrectly being included in the pending Confirmations to be printed regardless of a Customer Confirmation print setting.
      • When working a Log, bumping one or more spots, saving the Log and then attempting to Reschedule... one of the spots that was bumped just prior to saving, the application exits. To temporarily work around this situation, use the navigation arrows on the tool bar to move to the previous Log and then back to the current Log before attempting to Reschedule... these particular spots.
      • When the Enforce Billing Cycle option was added, the Include Projections on Statements feature was modified in such a way that Debit Adjustments were no longer being included.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Modified
      • Due to the care that should be given to make goods, the Execute Automatic Placement tool on the Make Good list in the Log window has been removed. This tool has proven to create more "clean up" work, which far outweighs the perceived time savings provided by having such a tool.
  • Premier 2014
    • Modified
      • The Trade tab on the Billing window has been removed. It appears that the feature is causing more trouble than it is solving, especially in scenarios where it is used without understanding what it will actually do creating a very undesirable result (a result that is also very difficult to "undo", in other words, "an utter disaster"), and we need to "go back to the drawing board" regarding how (or if) this feature will return.
      • The Split tool in Contracts has been removed. This tool appears to have serious issues under several circumstances (additional issues continue be uncovered) and needs to be taken offline to be re-evaluated before deciding when (or if) it will return.
      • The Annual Sales Review and Annual Sales Review (Accrual) Reports have been modified so that the net and gross columns are more consistent with other reports (ex. Revenue Projection.
    • Fixed
      • It appears that the recently added (new) Reconciliation (Accrual) report is incorrectly pulling the same numbers as the Reconcilation report.
      • When the SPW option is enabled in Group and working with an SPW Contract on the Log and depending on how the Include spots per week (SPW) across whole week. Log option is currently utilized, bumping one of these spots may appear as the spot just "disappeared". Saving the log, closing and reopening the spot reappears.
  • EZ-NET
    • Added
      • The EzScript section of the NetworkShow window now contains a Verify... button that assists in diagnosing EzScript related errors. This tool does not guarantee that the execution will produce the desired results or even that it will successfully execute, it exists to simply verify the syntactic correctness of the text (script).


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Modified
      • The After Aired report now displays the "revision chain" Contract number instead of the "internal" number.
      • The Log now includes Avail Type for spots on the Log (in addition to bump and make good lists).
    • Fixed
      • When creating a new Contract for an Agency that is configured EDI, the "three boxes" aren't correctly being displayed. To temporarily work around this, use the Agency drop down to modify the Agency to another and back; this will refresh the detection of the EDI settings and correctly display the "three boxes".
      • The summary display on the Contract is "corrupted" depending on the size of the window; to temporarily work around this, modify the height of the window until you can see the summary clearly.
      • When modifying existing Copy and the User doing so does not have permission for all Stations, the selected Station is being incorrectly set to All Stations.
      • When modifying a User account to be Administrator (check box), the existing defined roles for each Station are disabled; however, they don't appear to be removed upon saving the User and should be. This usually isn't a problem except when combined with the SalesAddOn due to how that Add-On effectively restricts permissions for those who are configured as a Sales role and the User being modified was, at some point up until the point of being modified as an Administrator was set to a Sales role for at least one Station. To temporarily work around this issue, make sure that all existing roles for each Station of a User are unchecked prior to checking the Administrator check box.
      • The bump and make good sections of the Log window have been modified so as to no longer include spots that are beyond their respective billing periods. These spots will need to be manually rescheduled.
      • Under some circumstances the Tools menu on the Dashboard is not visible which prevents access to the ability to change what skin is currently being utilized.
  • Premier 2014
    • Modified
      • The SpotDetail window has had the context menu completely overhauled with regards to roles/permissions. Several capabilities are have been extended to additional roles.
      • The Reschedule tool available on the Log windows bump and make good sections has been updated to allow rescheduling a spot beyond the individual line item end date to a maximum date of the overall Contract end date.
      • When utilizing a spot from the make good portion of the Log window, which means it was originally intended for a prior date, the spot will now automatically be "rescheduled" to the date of the Log being worked upon saving the Log. If the spot is removed from the Log prior to saving, it will be returned to the Make Good list. If removed after saving the Log, the reschedule takes place and the spot will be bumped. If you wish to not air this spot on this particular day, leave it on the Bump list when locking the Log and the spot will be returned to the following days Make Good list. If you bump the spot and then save the Log, it will then be possible to use the Reschedule tool (right click menu) to reschedule that particular spot to another day. (The requirement to save the Log in order to reschedule a bumped spot has not changed.) This rescheduling of a spot will be reflected in the SpotDetail window and is further utilized in determining Invoice overall completion (billing).
      • When looking at the spots on the Log for Contracts that are scheduled using the Daily method, the Quantity column will attempt to reflect the spot count for "this week". This information, for Daily, are reflected by a prepended asterisk character before the M-Su numbers.
    • Fixed
      • Under a previous version it appears that it was possible to flag a Customer account as being able to send Statements via email without having an actual email address specified; this is no longer possible and hasn't been for some time. However, when opening an existing Customer where the email setting is enabled but there isn't an email address defined, the "checker" doesn't check for this condition. If you change disable the check box or modify the email address in any way, the check is done and everything shows that it's either correct (or not) depending on the modification. To temporarily work around this, review the check mark as to whether or not to deliver via email aligns appropriately with regards to (when enabled) the email address actually exists. Again, this is only on existing Customer accounts that somehow were incorrectly set in the first place (weren't properly reviewed and happened prior to the software acting as the reviewer).
  • EZ-NET
    • Modified
      • Under some circumstances (not sure as to why), PRN seems to not generate a proper XML document when clicking on the "Generate XML" button of their website for a particular show. We will now attempt to still import this, even though it is "nothing". The resulting schedule will be blank and automatically be marked trashed since there isn't anything for it to do. To correct this, you will need to contact PRN directly to get the underlying issue resolved so that the "Generate XML" button actually generates something meaningful.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Modified
      • Modified the Digital Universe automation log export so that the end of the file contains an extra "blank line".
      • The Billing Freq column in Contracts has been renamed to Billing Cycle.
      • The dashboard notification for invoices waiting to be finalized now includes the total net amount in addition to the count.
    • Fixed
      • When there is more than one Station and a User account is only configured with a role for some (but not all) of the Stations, when this particular User account attempts to several of the following, the application exits. You can work around this issue by enabling this User account for all Stations using a role that is either read-only (Traffic Assistant or Billing Assistant) or "does nothing" (Production).
        • Create a new Contract and add a new off-air revenue line item, the application exits.
        • Open an existing Contract that is currently pending, right clicks on an existing line item of the pending Contract and chooses the Duplicate... tool.
      • When exporting to SS32 and there is an export problem due to missing/invalid cart number and/or category, the file is created but incomplete; it should be removed (not exist) when this occurs.
  • Premier 2014
    • Modified
      • Removed the "effective date" prompt from the revise tool (Contracts); this feature, unfortunately, was causing more confusion and resulting issues than any potential perceived problems it might have been addressing. These problems go away by just revising a Contract "as of today" (immediately).
      • When reconciling a log, it is now possible to filter the list and leverage the "check all"/"uncheck all" tools to just check/uncheck what is currently visible (not filtered).


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Added
      • Initial support for the BSI Op-X automation system.
    • Modified
      • The Digital Universe log export has been modified so that multiple contiguous avails are treated as a single "break".
      • The Digilink export has been modified so that cart numbers are no longer zero padded if less than 4 digits and leading zeros are no longer automatically removed if greater than 4 digits; instead, all cart numbers are exported "as-is" regardless of length. If the cart number is missing, "*MISSING" is used as a placeholder.
      • Resetting all layouts no longer resets the currently chosen skin.
    • Fixed
      • When viewing an Invoice that is assigned to a Salesperson that is inactive, the field on the Invoice window is left blank and the warning is being displayed (even if the Invoice has been finalized).
      • When an account is configured for Contract creation for some but not all Stations and has the ability to view (read-only) for other Stations, all Stations are available regardless of create/read-only ability for creation in a new Contract. Only those Stations that the User has permission to create should be available when creating a new line item. The behavior has modified to account for this scenario.
      • On the Template window, adding an new avail entry and entering a "short-hand" length such as "4m" (instead of "4:00") is causing the application to exit.
      • Under some circumstances, trashed spots are appearing as sold units on the Inventory Report.
  • Premier 2014
    • Modified
      • Invoices that can potentially have an ISCI column have been modified to no longer require that they have an assigned Agency. Instead, if any piece of Copy has an ISCI assigned, the ISCI column will be made visible regardless of an Agency being assigned.
      • When attempting to split an Invoice, when encountering a situation where the spots have been individually rescheduled in such a way that prevent a clean separation between the target split date, a message is now presenting this information instead of generating a generic exception.
      • The server now verifies that an Invoice number of actual line items matches the expected number of line items when using the Finalize menu from the AR window.
      • The Billing History, Billing History (Accrual), Payment History and Pacing Reports have been modified so that the net, gross and unit count columns are more consistent with other reports (ex. Revenue Projection.
      • It is now possible to use "Duplicate..." on a Contract line item when "revising" an existing Contract (assuming appropriate permission settings).
    • Fixed
      • When enabling the "Include Product" on Statements and the Contract/Invoice doesn't have a header comment, the product isn't being included on the statement.
      • Under some circumstances, using correction mode to one or more line items to an already approved and "active" contract, the additional spots are not being reflected on the potential spot count of "in progress" (gathering) invoices.
      • When trashing an off-air revenue item that has already "activated" (been placed on a gathering invoice), the total potential spot count of an invoice Is not being updated to reflect the removal (trashed).
      • When modifying the address of a Group when the address previously has not been configured, typing in the street address field causes the application to exit when if done prior to selecting a Country. It is now possible to enter the street address prior to selecting a Country.
      • When dragging a Template on the Template window from the list of items on the left hand side of the window to the right hand side, some Templates are not "working". This is because the drag and drop operation was attempting automatically determine and adjust the time based on what was being dropped upon; in the case of Templates, this is not necessary. This behavior has been modified to account for Template drag and drop where the time being targeted (dropped on) is used as-is, without any sort of adjustment.
      • When viewing "favorite" Reports and removing all of the Reports from the list, the application exits. This is now handled so that a list of no Reports continues to works without issue.
      • If a Contract is currently opened by a User and an administrator disables this same User account and this Users turns off their computer while the Contract is still open, the Contract can not be opened by any other User than the one that had it opened at the time; however, since that User account is no longer active, that User is also unable to open the Contract in order to free up the lock. This has been modified so that if a Contract is currently "locked" by a User account that is no longer active, it is treated as if it is not currently "locked" (ignored).
      • Whenever a Customer is configured to have a billing cycle / invoice type and creating a new Contract where you want these to be set to None, upon saving the Contract the None is being reset to what the Customer defaults are configured. This scenario was not expected when this was originally introduced and this behavior has been modified accommodate scenarios where the Customer is set to something other than None but the resulting Contracts can be initially created as None (effectively undoing / going against the default specified regarding the Customer should have a billing cycle / invoice type).
      • When using the Template window to open an existing Template on one Station and the Save To menu item to save the Template to another Station and the Template contains one or more AutomationCommands, the application exits.
      • When opening a pending Contract, modifying a line item and then clicking on the Tools->Approve menu item before using the Apply button to apply any changes made, only items that were not modified are approved; the items that were modified are left in a pending state.
  • EZ-NET
    • Modified
      • At least in one instance with a client, the Westwood One website appears to have been modified to include an additional column containing the words "Manual" or "Automatic" for each NetworkShow. This update handles this "change" accordingly. Additionally, there is a section labeled "For Automatic vehicles:" with two buttons named "View Exports" and "View Imports". It is currently not known as to what these buttons do; so any feedback on this change from the network provided to you would be appreciated.
      • Westwood One appears to be at it again; this time they are now incorrectly reporting the usage of IE8. EZ-NET now detects this and handles it gracefully.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Fixed
      • When using the Times/Rates Invoice type and there are more than 5 spots with the same date, rate and description, the 6th or more time is not being included on the printed/exported Invoice. The number of rows was being incorrectly calculated, the report was confused with the Times type for this particular columns sizing information.
      • When using the Times/Rates Invoice type and there are exactly 5 spots with the same date, rate and description, the seconds portion of the 5th time is being truncated. This issue is resolved by limiting the number of time columns to 4 instead of 5 and the layout has been adjusted to account for there being only 4 columns instead of (sort of) 5.
      • When adding a spot from a Contract directly to an Invoice (one that wasn't on a Log) and this spot is currently trashed, the projections are not updated to reflect that the spot is no longer trashed.
      • When running the Customer report, the Separation Type column is not displaying anything.
  • Premier 2014
    • Fixed
      • When modify the name of a piece of Copy, the description for this related Copy on an Invoice is not updating as expected in all circumstances. This should now be resolved.
    • Modified
      • When using the Reschedule tool on the MakeGoodDetail and SpotDetail windows (Log window is currently excluded from this modification); the maximum date that can be used is based on the effective billing cycle end date of the Contract line item related to this spot, not the end date of the line item (as it was previously - and still is when using this tool on the Log window). Additionally, if the spot is scheduled beyond the end date of the Contract line item and the Correction Mode tool is used to modify the Billing Cycle in such a way that the rescheduled spot is beyond the target Billing Cycle, the transformation will fail.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Modified
      • There were several menu items on the Templates window that did not have icons (glyphs) associated; this update corrects this oversight.
      • It was previously not possible to delete the last entry (singular) from the AutomationCommands window; this behavior has been modified to allow the last item to be deleted.
      • It was previously not possible to delete AvailTypes or AutomationCommands directly from the Templates window; this has been changed.
      • When deleting Programs, Log Notes and/or Templates directly from the Templates window, the are you sure you want to delete prompt is now asked in triplicate.
      • The permissions with regards to Delete of AvailTypes, AutomationCommands, Programs, Log Notes and Templates directly from the Templates window has been modified to only be accessible to SuperAdmin.
      • The indicator for which item is currently selected in available items tree of Templates window no longer disappears when the tree no longer has input focus.
      • When adding/modifying an avail on a Template, the "Add"/"Modify Avail" window will evaluate both the time and length to attempt to prevent numbers that cause an invalid Template to be created by preventing overlapping avails.
    • Fixed
      • The Legacy Order # column in Contracts is available regardless of the option (see Group) being enabled.
      • When modifying the Period or dates on Reports, the current information on the report is cleared and a "Please click here to reload the report..." message is displayed at the top. Clicking on this message causes the report to reload using the current information entered. However, in one particular circumstance where you do not press tab after modifying either the start or end date (in the case of "Custom"), clicking on this message reloads the report with the previous date since the modification has not been committed (by pressing tab, for example). The "Please click here to reload the report..." window element has been replaced so that, regardless of pressing tab to commit the change, the change is committed due to focus being moved to this replaced element; causing the correct information to be utilized when reloading the report.
      • The New tool is presented in the context menu on the Templates window when the Templates node is currently selected and should not be as it doesn't make any sense.
      • The Save As menu item under Templates on the Templates window is not enabled when opening an existing Template or Format.
      • The discount amounts on a Contract Confirmation are higher than the actual gross amounts when the discount on the Contract is 100%. The discount amount on a Contract Confirmation should considered an estimated discount. In an attempt to make this a little more accurate, we were taking the "current" total of the Contract (could be different depending on the Group options selected) and dividing the revenue by the number of spots to determine a per spot discount; however, this appears to have resulted in a rounding issue that is less desirable than calculating based on the total "current" revenue. The change to make this a "bit more accurate" has been reversed because of this issue where a 100% discount causes this to be very undesirable; basically appearing that you owe a refund to the client instead of the Contract being zeroed. It is important to consider that the discount, and, if using discounts, the Agency Commission is an estimate; it is very possible that the actual Invoice might reflect a slightly higher actual applied discount (rare, but still possible) as the Invoice calculates the discount on a per line item basis. It should be noted that this issue was isolated to just the actual Confirmation; the Revenue Projection report and Billing reflect the proper amount(s).
  • Premier 2014
    • Added
      • It is now possible to use the CTRL+C (Copy), CTRL+X (Cut) and CTRL+V (Paste) key combinations on the Templates window to edit the sequence if items. When pasting an item, the currently highlighted item is used to determine the default start time of the item being pasted.
      • On the Template window, the Insert key will now do the same action as double-clicking on an available item (in the tree view) except will take into account the current row that is highlighted in the template to help reduce the amount of typing that would need to be done.
      • When working with Templates, modifying the time and/or length now checks based on the "window of time" and not just the starting time.
      • The Reports window now includes a mode where you can significantly reduce the "noise" (number of reports) to just those that you regularly use. This mode is referred to as the Favorites view and you can toggle this by using the View->Favorites menu. To manage items on the Favorites view, use the context menu (right click) to Add to favorites or Remove from favorites. The settings related to this feature are per machine/per Microsoft Windows(tm) account. The MyViews settings are also isolated (saved separately) between the two views.
    • Modified
      • The Reports window now defaults to the Favorites view (see above).
      • The Reports window has been modified so that the Experimental Reports are no longer visible by default. To have these Reports included in the visible list, use the View menu and click on Include experimental reports.
      • The Reports window has been modified so that the Accrual Reports are no longer visible by default. To have these Reports included in the visible list, use the View menu and click on Include accrual reports.
      • When working with Formats/Templates, dragging an item from the left hand side of the window to the right; the item under the mouse cursor that you "drop" the new item onto will be used to determine the default time for the new item. The time of the new item will be based on the current items time and, if available, length.
      • When adding AvailTypes items to Formats/Templates; the length now defaults to 30 seconds and the unit count defaults to 1. When modifying the length on this window (when either adding or modifying), the number of units is automatically recalculated based on the whole number of 30 second intervals.
      • The Invalid Contract/Rotation/Copy report has been modified by renaming the existing Contract # column to Contract/Line and a new (optional) Contract # column has been added that just represents the base Contract number. This column, unlike the Contract/Line, can be used to group (see MyViews).
      • The SpotDetail window has been enhanced to include a additional Spot Status category to reflect spots that are either Available or Bumped but are currently scheduled for a Log that is Locked, Reconciled or Invoiced; these will now be placed into the Make Good Spot Status category (instead of the previous Available or Bumped).
      • It is now possible to delete Trashed Contracts; requires Administrator role.
      • When modifying a spot using the Reschedule tool, all Invoices associated with the Contract that the spot belongs is refreshed as to make sure the target spot tally is current.
      • When adding items to on the Templates window, the item that was just added will now automatically be highlighted.
      • The Broadcast Accrual report has been made obsolete with the addition of the various accrual edition of other Reports and thus has been moved into the experimental category of reports since it will be removed in the near future.
    • Fixed
      • The Make Good report and the Log windows are showing the "internal" Contract number instead of the correct "revision chain" number. This has been resolved.
      • Bumped spots are not able to be Rescheduled from the SpotDetail window.
      • The week day field on the Off Air Revenue window is incorrectly enabled when viewed after the Contract has been approved.
      • When duplicating a Contract that has one or more off-air revenue line items or an individual Off Air Revenue item on a Contract, the day of week is not transitioning properly to the new line(s) if is a day other than Monday.
      • When modifying a Contract Invoice Type from a value other than None to None, the Billing Cycle is not being set to None and should be.
      • When attempting to view a Contract on the Log, any revised Contracts that are a .5 or more are being rounding to the next number and opening the next higher Contract instead of the correct one.
      • When canceling a Contract from the Contracts window, the cancel immediately date is sometimes not getting set in some circumstances to the appropriate date; leaving you to have to manually determine the date to cancel. This has been resolved.
      • When combining more than 2 Contract Confirmations that are part of a revision chain, the printed Confirmation is not including the revisions between the first and last. This has been fixed so that all revisions between the currently selected (printed) to the first are included.
  • EZ-NET
    • Modified
      • When attempting to match Copy that is imported with existing Copy based on ISCI; the system now takes into account Automatic Cart Number Assignment and it's ability to automatically recycle. If a Copy exists with the same ISCI; however, the cart number assigned to it has been reused by another piece of Copy, the import will create a new cart number instead of trying to reuse the previous one.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Modified
    • Fixed
      • When modifying a Log by first clearing an avail of all spots, then removing the avail from the log and then modifying another avails start time, the application exits.
      • In the circumstance where one or more spots have been forcefully removed (Placement Summary or SpotDetail windows, for example), opening a Log that contains avails that now have "holes" due to these spots being removed, the Log doesn't completely load 100% successfully. Icons on the toolbar are missing and functionality is incomplete.
      • Under specific circumstances the Log will incorrectly identify Copy as missing when moving a spot from the bump list to the Log and the rotation contains Copy that is "illegal" for the current Log and the "illegal" Copy is currently marked as next.
      • When running the Inventory report, the Total column is not showing any values in the summary area(s) (totals).
  • Premier 2014
    • Added
      • The Invoice and Invoice (Accrual) Reports now include a Billing Cycle (optional) column.
      • When using the Cancel tool available through the context menu of a Contract on the Contracts window, an additional dialog is now presented that provides an opportunity to specify particular date to cancel (into the future). The prompt defaults to canceling the Contract ASAP.
  • EZ-NET
    • Fixed
      • When using an empty time list to reset a particular day to not exclude anything, the EzScript execution generates a syntax error.



  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Retracted
      • The Log export modifications applied in the recent releases have been reversed and Premier 2013 has reverted to the way it was prior to the modifications. Premier 2014 has also had this functionality reversed; but has been replaced by something slightly different (see below) to accommodate the extreme polar opposites requested by several clients.
  • Premier 2014
    • Added
      • A new option has been added to the Settings->Group options that allows you to modify the behavior of the Log exports as it relates to the "description" column. By default, the Copy name is favored; placing the Copy name first and the Customer name second (separated by a "dash" character). Enabling the Favor Customer Name For Automation option (See Group) will swap these names; placing the Customer name first and followed by the Copy name (separated by a "dash" character).
    • Modified
      • All Log exports (Automation_Systems) that contain a "description" column have been updated so that the Copy name is favored (if available) over the Customer name. The Customer name is automatically placed after the Copy name with a "dash" character as a separation.
    • Fixed
      • When running the replacement to the Invalid Contract/Rotation/Copy report, although the data is correct, the column headers are off by one day; they are displaying as if the report is run for today instead of tomorrow.
  • Sales Add-On
    • Modified
      • In Premier 2014, it is now possible for the Salesperson to see the PendingContracts window in order to quickly review whether they have any outstanding Contracts that have not been approved.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Modified
      • The Times and Times/Rate Invoice have been modified by reducing the width of the Times column to increase the width of the Description column by approximately 30%.
      • When exporting to SS32 or WideOrbit Automation Systems, the description column is now formatted as customer name, dash, copy name, space, ISCI. If any of these do not exist, formatting is adjusted gracefully.
    • Fixed
      • When a Log contains one or more empty avails and you attempt to open the LogSummary window, the application exits.
  • Premier 2014
    • Added
      • The Payment History report has been added to replace the Payment History (Monthly), Payment History (Quarterly) and Payment History (Annual). Highlights of this change include:
        • All the information across these three Reports is now available on this single report so you can mix and match quarterly information with monthly.
        • Includes additional columns not on the previous versions such as Agency, Station, Sales Person, Owner, Revenue Source, Revenue Type, State, Postal and Currency.
        • Supports the optional Fiscal Offset capability, if enabled.
        • Complete support for automatic summarization.
        • Supports the Reports save as feature.
      • The Reconcilation (Accrual) report has been added to reflect all numbers on an accrual basis.
    • Modified
      • The Contract report has been modified as follows:
        • Modified the Status column so that Canceled and Revised are now displayed, where appropriate.
        • Added a Cancel/Revise column to reflect the effective date of a revision/cancel.
        • Added a NX$ to reflect the net trashed/canceled/revised amount (if any).
        • Added a GE$ and NE$ columns to reflect the estimated billing amount for the Contract; these columns automatically subtract the GX$ and NX$ columns from the G$ and N$ columns.
        • Renamed the Revenue (g) to G$ and Revenue (n) to N$.
        • Modified so that the GE$ column is now shown by default (instead of the G$ column).
      • The Reconcilation report has been renamed to from Accounts Receivable Reconciliation and now includes an Owner column. The Name column has been renamed to Customer. Several other columns have also had minor adjustments made to their names to include a $ character.
      • The Customer report has been modified so that the Sales Person column has been renamed to Owner so that it aligns better with the rest of the Reports.
      • The Invalid Contract/Rotation/Copy, Goal, Goal (Accrual), Revenue Projection and Revenue Projection (Accrual) Reports have been updated to includes an Owner column.
      • The Spot Rate report has been updated so that it now includes an Owner column, renamed the Gross Rate to G.Rate and Net Rate to N.Rate.
      • The Emailed Invoice report has been removed.
      • The Billing History, Billing History (Accrual), Annual Sales Review and Annual Sales Review (Accrual) Report has been updated as follows:
        • Added an Owner column.
        • Gross columns have been renamed using the G$ month number short form.
        • Net columns have been renamed using the N$ month number short form.
        • Quarterly columns are formatted as G$/N$ Q1-4.
        • Annual columns are named G$ An and N$ An.
      • The Commission report has had the following changes:
        • Added an Owner column.
        • Renamed Spot Count to Spot #, Sales Commission % to Sales %, Sales Commission to Sales $, Net Amount to N$, Finance Charge to Finance $, Tax on Tax to Tax on Tax $, Tax to Tax $, Fee to Fee $, Agency Commission to Agency $, Discount to Discount $ and Gross to G$.
      • A slight modification on the server has been applied that will no longer "exclude" (hide) Contracts that exist but contain no line items. These will show up in red text if encountered and depending on role(s).
    • Fixed
      • When using the Split tool on a Contract, the resulting Contracts are not updating the cached projections.
      • When printing Confirmations with the Include Station Summary option enabled and a Contract contains no active spots, the software exits.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Added
      • It is now possible to target WinAmp's EXTM3U (*.m3u) and EXTM3U8 (*.m3u8) as target Automation_Systems. Please bear in mind that these formats are extremely limited and do not offer what would traditionally be expected as an "automation file" (no real support to "schedule"; effectively just "a list").
    • Modified
      • When modifying the print option for a Customer for both Confirmations and Invoices to be enabled (when it was previously not enabled), any existing approved Contracts and/or finalized Invoices will be automatically flagged as having been printed. This enabled print option will take affect for all future Contracts and/or Invoices for this Customer as they become approved/finalized.
      • All Log exports (Automation Systems) that contain a "description" column have been updated so that the Copy name is favored (if available) over the Customer name. The Customer name is only utilized in circumstances where Copy name is not available. Several exports have been updated to also append the ISCI (if available) to the exported description.
      • The Approved column in Contracts is no longer visible by default.
      • When printing Invoices that generates a number of pages that causes an 'out of memory' exception to occur; the system will now attempt to gracefully recover from this situation by presenting a message stating such and offer suggestions on how to reduce/remove the issue. Note, this situation is significantly less likely to occur on a 64-bit OS compared to a 32-bit OS.
      • When working with the Batch Print window in AR and there are 19,000+ invoices in the list, the act of filtering the data processes what is currently checked so that the items that are filtered are unchecked in the process of being removed from view. This process, when there are 19,000+ (a specific example) can take a significant amount of time and takes even longer on computers that are not as "modern" as others. In the previous versions, this process just appeared to "lock-up" the system while it was busy working through the list as there was no indication that this process was taking place or any indication of how much longer it might be. This has been remedied by providing a progress indicator.
      • The New and Close buttons located on the Contracts window have been moved slightly to better align with other elements on the window.
      • The Export tool on the Billing window has been moved below the Print Preview menu entry for consistency.
      • The Export tool on the Billing window has been updated so that the default filename matches the title of the document; previously was generically labeled as "Billing" regardless of which tab was being utilized.
      • All Reports that contain the Salesperson simple list (left hand pane) have been modified so that any Salesperson included that is no longer active has the word (Inactive) appended to their name(s).
      • Modified the Broadcast Accrual report End Date column so that Invoices that have not been finalized use the billing cycle date instead of the current (in-progress, can and most likely will change) effective date so that short broadcast Invoices can be filtered more effectively; if the need is there to do so.
    • Fixed
      • When role is set to Traffic Manager, all Customers are visible in AR and shouldn't be.
      • When role is set to Billing Manager, all Customers are visible in Contracts and shouldn't be.
      • A handful of Reports are being titled as None instead of the names that they should be.
      • The Duplicate, Create Package, Trash and Delete tools on the context menu in Contracts are available even if the User does not have appropriate permission for all of the Stations attached to the Contract.
      • The Confirmations and projections are not calculating the Contract discount in the same manner. The Contract discount field (optional), when used, is calculated based on a per-spot basis by the time it reaches an Invoice; this is to keep consistent with regards to any sort of rounding errors that can be introduced. The Confirmation and projections have been updated to calculate in the same manner as the Invoice.
      • Copy is not being included on a Log as MustFill. If Copy was converted from TrafficXP and, prior to transition, was flagged as Fill; the Copy would work. If Copy was created in Premier 2013/2014, it would not work. This has been corrected.
  • Premier 2014
    • Added
    • Modified
      • The Log has been updated so that whenever automatic placement is executing, the window is "disabled" and the current activity is reflected in the lower left hand portion of the window (status).
      • The Aging, Aging (by Month), Invoice, Invoice (Accrual) and Contract Reports have been updated to include an optional Owner column that reflects the SalesPerson that the items Customer is set to.
      • The Customer report has been updated to include additional columns for eAddress (Agency), eAddress (Confirmations), eAddress (Invoices), eAddress (Statements), eAddress (Times), Email (Confirmations), Email (Statements), Print (Confirmations), Print (Invoices) and Print (Statements). The Email Times and Email Invoices columns have been renamed to Email (Times) and Email (Invoices). The Email column has been removed.
      • When duplicating an existing Contract and you change the currently selected Customer; the existing rotation(s) will now be cleared since the Copy may not exist on the target Customer. A warning is provided that will remind you of this and you can cancel the change upon seeing the warning.
      • The Export tool on the Billing window has been updated so that Microsoft Excel exports are similar in processing to how Reports export.
      • The Contract number displayed in the window title bar has been updated to reflect the revision chain number instead of presenting the internal number.
      • When exporting a Contract from the Contracts and Contract windows, the filename will now be constructed using the revision chain number instead of the internal number.
      • The Approved column in Contracts has been removed.
      • It is now possible to "group by" the Status column for the Customer list on the Contracts and AR windows.
      • The Created, Created By, Approved, Approved By and Canceled By columns have been removed from the Contracts window.
      • The Canceled column has been updated to reflect the actual cancelation date (new "end date"), not the date that the Contract was canceled.
      • The Contract window has been enhanced to include a status bar that includes, if appropriate, the created, approved and cancel/revised information.
      • When working with the Batch Print window in AR and there are 19,000+ invoices in the list, the act of filtering the data processes what is currently checked so that the items that are filtered are unchecked in the process of being removed from view. This process, when there are 19,000+ (a specific example) can take a significant amount of time and takes even longer on computers that are not as "modern" as others. In the previous versions, this process just appeared to "lock-up" the system while it was busy working through the list as there was no indication that this process was taking place or any indication of how much longer it might be. This has been remedied by completely reviewing the process that is taking place and applied a significant of performance tuning changes to address the problem. Additionally, the mouse cursor changes to the wait cursor during this processing to provide an additional indication that the process it taking place.
      • The approving of a Contract from the Contracts window has been slightly modified to include the creation of prior days (targeting today or prior) off-air revenue Invoices as part of the overall transaction of approving the Contract so that if any problem occurs, including during the processing of the off-air revenue Invoices, the whole process is rolled back until the problem can be resolved. Prior to this change, the Contract would be approved and if the Invoice portion failed, you'd have the approved Contract but the Invoice would not exist.
      • The SpotDetail window now allows the context menu tools for Force Invoiced for spots that are currently Bumped.
      • The SpotDetail window now uses the target date of the spot instead of the end date of the Invoice when using the Force Invoice tool. Additionally, if there is only one valid Copy available, this Copy is automatically selected and the Invoice line item description is set to the Copy name automatically.
    • Fixed
      • When approving a Contract that contains an off-air revenue line item that starts on or before today and the billing cycle is set to Begin of Schedule, the process to generate Invoices for off-air revenue is being executed prior to the begin of schedule processing causing the begin of schedule process to be aborted since the Invoice being created because of the today or prior off-air revenue being processed to great a gathering Invoice. This is now handled in the proper sequence.
      • When approving a Contract from the Contracts window using the context menu Approve tool, the Begin of Schedule Invoice is not being created.
      • The Cancel tool on Contracts is not canceling a Contract completely if the Contract has not started. It is trying to cancel (set the end date) the "day that it starts" instead of "the day before" which is leaving the "first day" not canceled.
      • The Approve, Cancel, Revise, Split, Undo Cancel and Undo Revise tools on the context menu in Contracts are available even if the User does not have appropriate permission for all of the Stations attached to the Contract.
      • If a Customer has the CreditPolicy set to None, the Group logo does not print on the Statement.
      • If a Customer has the Statement Type set to None, it is incorrectly being included in the PrintStatements and EmailStatements windows if, for some reason, the Print or Email option is set. Two things have been done. First, there is additional checking to verify that the Statement Type is set to None; if so, then the Print and Email values are forced to No if they are currently set to Yes. Going forward, when adding/updating a Customer and the Statement Type is set to None, the fields for Print and Email will also be set to No. The second part of this has already been done from the user interface side; we've also enhanced the server side to re-verify, just to be absolutely sure to handle situations where someone has converted from Traffic 1234, TrafficXP, Essentials or Premier 2013.
  • Sales Add-On
  • EZ-NET
    • Added
      • It is now possible to control what is imported from a network using a EzScript such as Set Tuesday Exclude Times ("07:05","08:05"). This will act as a pre-processor during the actual import process and automatically exclude any matching times from being imported; effectively as if they do not exist. The final result of the import will only include the number of scheduled units kept and automatically import the associated Copy excluding, of course, the exclusions. (See EZ-NET.)
    • Modified
      • When using the custom web browser for Texas State Networks, clicking on the name of the client in order to follow TSN's instructions for providing a make good, the "please wait..." message will now disappear and the check box that they wanted to show will now be visible. Additionally, when clicking on the "isci code", the audio will now download as expected and the "please wait..." message will now disappear as one would expect; most likely this will launch your default audio player (which defaults to Windows Media Player).
      • If 'Cumulus' is down "in maintenance mode", the fetch process will gracefully skip to the next NetworkShow in the list.
    • Fixed
      • Cumulus appears to prematurely publish their NetworkSchedule weeks; specifically, missing the ISCI and this causes the import to attempt to match up a blank ISCI with other Copy in the system that also contains a blank ISCI causing the same piece of Copy to attempt to be used for all of the entries. This is obviously not the desired result and the import for Cumulus has been updated to account for this; specifically, the NetworkSchedule will no longer be imported if one or more items for the week are missing the ISCI.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Modified: The time field, for example on a ContractLineItem, has been enhanced to handle situations where someone types in a "00:60". If this sort of entry is encountered, the value will automatically be converted to "01:00".
  • Premier 2014
    • Added: It is now possible to export the SpotDetail information on a Contract to your choice of several electronic document formats.
    • Added: As a "super-admin", it is now possible to delete a Debit Adjustment.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Modified: The Customer window no longer suppresses the email related fields due to EmailSettings not being configured on a particular computer.
    • Modified: When, as "super-admin", the delete functionality is utilized, the question asking if you are sure is asked in triplicate to help prevent accidental deletions.
    • Fixed: When pressing F1 on Reports that were created using the "save as" feature, the web browser goes to a page that does not exist instead of going to the base report documentation as one would expect.
  • Premier 2014
    • Added: It is now possible, as "super-admin", to:
      • Undo a cancel of a Contract.
      • Undo a revise of a Contract where the revision date has not already passed.
      • Use "correction mode" on Contract line items of a revision.
    • Modified: The Super Admin, Color Hints and Include ISCI Code on Invoices options (See Group) have been removed; they are now "always on" features.
    • Modified: When modifying the name of Copy that is already contained on one or more Invoices, the description on the Invoice will also be modified as long as it matched the original name of the Copy.
    • Fixed: When either adding/updating an Invoice email address to a Customer and enabling delivery of Invoice via email; existing Invoices are appearing in Billing.
    • Fixed: When either adding/updating an Confirmation email address to a Customer and enabling delivery of Confirmation via email; existing Confirmations are appearing in Orders.
  • EZ-NET
    • Modified: The determination of the end times is being processed from the networks in order to include the full hour regardless of what is found has been changed in order to better hand "end-of-day".


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • N/A.
  • Premier 2014
    • Added: Introducing Contract Soft Approval mode to available options (see Group).
    • Modified: The SpotDetail window is forward looking; in doing so, the ability to "Force Placement" (aka "pull the rug out from under things") feature was set to only be available to Super-Admin (the one and only Administrator). We've updated this to allow any Administrator until such time that the roles/permissions refresh is completed.
    • Modified: The SpotDetail window will no longer allow access to the "force" context menu if the spot is trashed due to being canceled/revised.
    • Modified: When duplicating, revising, "replacing", etc. an existing Contract, the window title now reflects the action that you are doing; previously this just displayed as "NEW".
    • Modified: When attempting to revise a Contract revision that starts in the future, the revise menu is not available.
    • Fixed: When attempting to print the information in the SpotDetail window, the application exits.
  • EZ-NET


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Added: It is now possible to "save as" the Goal report.
    • Modified: When running a report with criteria that causes an 'out of memory' exception to occur; the report will now attempt to gracefully recover from this situation by presenting a message stating such and resetting the internal data. Note, this situation is less likely to occur on a 64-bit OS compared to a 32-bit OS.
  • Premier 2014
    • Added: Added an accrual-basis version of the Goal report called the Goal (Accrual) report.
    • Added: Added Merge Revised Contracts on Confirmations option (See Group) that modifies how Contract Confirmations are printed when revised and/or canceled.
    • Added: Added Use Cancel/Revise Info in Contracts option that will modify the behavior of the End Date and Revenue columns in Contracts with regards to revised and/or canceled (or trashed spots). With this option enabled, these columns will reflect the "current" values, not the originally contracted values.
    • Modified: Several "experimental" reports have been removed due to problems, concerns and/or inconsistencies; many of these will make a return once they are updated to bring in line with recent additions. If you have a particular report that you would like to see return sooner rather than later, please let us know. Note: One of these reports is the Annual Sales Review; if you are looking for a report to provide you with 12 months of projected billing, use the Goal report instead.
    • Modified: It is no longer possible to revise a Contract that hasn't started yet. Please cancel the Contract and use duplicate to "start over". (Update 1677: See Soft Approval in Group options to modify this behavior.)
    • Modified: The View Placement Summary in the Contract and ContractLineItem menu item and resulting window have been removed. On the Contract window, we've added a Spot Detail menu to launch the SpotDetail window; which serves as an overall replacement to the View Placement Summary. This window adds significant amounts of additional details to better diagnose overall status of the individual items of a Contract including original target date, reschedule date (if any), actual log date, scheduled log time, aired time, invoiced date, invoiced time, entered avail type, scheduled avail type (due to Log override), cart # and cart name. When grouping any of these columns, a unit count is also made visible.
  • EZ-NET
    • Added: Support for ESPN.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Retracted: Due to feedback, the Invoice report and Accounts Receivable Reconciliation report have been restored to their previous behavior regarding broadcast Invoices. We apologize to everyone for any inconvenience experienced by the change previously made and to those that will experience inconvenience due to this change. We will work to approach this from another direction; one that addresses the two sides equally.
    • Modified: Significantly increased the performance related to retrieving the "rotation cache" when opening a Log. This "rotation cache" is used to determine whether or not a piece of spot placed on the Log has valid Copy.
    • Modified: Added an additional note to the "this log is open by someone else" message in the Log editor to raise awareness that an Administrator has the ability to force close the Log if necessary by using the Open log... window.
    • Modified: When modifying the Copy on a Log during reconciliation; the list of available items is reduced to just those pieces of Copy that are legal for the current date of the Log being reconciled; this is a change to previous behavior of including all Copy for the Customer regardless of whether or not it could legally be placed on the Log being reconciled. If a spot was not reconciled on a Log and was trashed (canceled) after the fact, it will be necessary to go untrash that spot before it can be placed on a Log that has been reversed.
    • Modified: When reversing an invoiced Log, spots weren't committed to an Invoice, associated with the Station, not on any other Log and target this Log were being flagged as "bumped" without regard to their current status. This behavior has been modified so that when an invoiced Log is reversed, these spots are left as they were.
  • Premier 2014
    • Added: New option Shift Short Broadcast Invoices Forward. (See Group).
    • Added: When the "this log is open by someone else" message in the Log is presented, will automatically present the Open log... window to either select a different Log or possibly, using extreme care, force close the Log if the other User is verifiably not still editing and are unable or unwilling to re-open the Log to close it gracefully.
    • Modified: Merging an Agency now automatically deletes the merged Agency after merging; previously required an extra step to delete.
    • Modified: If Taxes are enabled, the Tax field on a new Contract is only available for modification if the Billing Cycle is set to something other than None. If the Billing Cycle has a value and is then set to None, the Tax will also automatically be set to None and disabled until Billing Cycle is set to a value other than None.
    • Modified: Based on feedback, modified the Contract Confirmations so that the portion of the revision(s) that is prior to the revision is included on the revised Confirmation. Additionally, if a Contract is canceled, the subsequent printing of a Confirmation will no longer include those spots that were canceled. The projections portion of a Confirmation have also been modified to show the net estimated numbers; thus removing the canceled spots accordingly.
    • Modified: The Include Rotation Summary on Confirmations option has been modified so that the Station call letters are used instead of the configured Station name. (See Group.)
    • Fixed: Administrator Assistant and Traffic Manager do not have the ability to Override Start Date on a new Contract and should be able to; especially with regards to last minute write-on Contracts.
    • Fixed: The GE%/NE% column of the Goal report is calculating against the G$/N$ column, not the GE$/NE$ column; is should be reflecting the estimated gross/net, not the as-entered gross/net.
    • Fixed: When printing (or exporting) a Confirmation and the line items of the Contract are more than what would fit on a single page, the "totals" section is printing on each page; it should only be printing at the end of the list.
    • Fixed: When printing (or exporting) a Confirmation and the options Include Item Comment on Confirmations and Format Line Comment on new line on Confirmations (See Group) and there is more than one line item on the Contract that has a comment; the formatting of the Confirmation goes completely haywire.
    • Fixed: When attempting to apply a "auto-pay" entry to an Invoice that has no defined RevenueType, the application exits due to failure in determining whether or not a trade payment should be applied or not.
    • Fixed: When a Customer has an email address but the Deliver via E-mail option for the Customer is not checked; the Email context menu item in AR is visible and shouldn't be since the Deliver via E-mail is not checked.
    • Fixed: When upgrading from a previous product, Billing window is including invoices for Customers that have the Deliver via E-mail checked regardless of whether or not the Customer has an email address for invoices. This is not an issue with creating (or modifying) a Customer in Premier 2014 as this situation is presented as a blocking error.
  • EZ-NET
    • Added: Support for ESPN.
    • Modified: The Network Affidavit report has been updated to handle spots that aired at the same exact time they were scheduled; these were showing a blank time prior to this modification.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Modified: When User has no access to a particular Station, that Station is now completely filtered when opening the CopyList. The "All Station" Copy is still included as, by definition, the Station they do have access to is included as the "All Station" list and the Copy for "All Station" does affect the Stations that they do belong. However, as mentioned in a prior update, a User does not have the ability to modify an "All Stations" piece of Copy unless they are also able to do so for all Stations.
    • Fixed: When a SalesPerson attempts to open one of their own pending Contracts and the application exits. (See SalesAddOn.)
    • Fixed: Salespeople are unable to access the CopyList window under some circumstances. (See SalesAddOn.)
  • Premier 2014
    • Added: Contracts now includes additional MyViews columns for Canceled Date, Canceled By, Approved Date, Approved By, Created Date, Created By. Please note that these columns are new and will contain blanks for any Contracts that previously existed; going forward, this information will be populated.


  • Premier 2013/2014
    • Fixed: Under specific circumstances the Log editor will incorrectly identify Copy as missing when moving a spot from the bump list to the Log and the rotation contains Copy that is "illegal" for the current Log and the "illegal" Copy is currently marked as next. (See update 1686).
    • Modified: The View->Make Goods menu and View->Pending Contracts menu items have been removed for the Traffic Assistant role on the Contracts window.
    • Modified: Updated the wording on the Copy window regarding the option to include the item as part of the MustFill functionality to state "Usable by MUSTFILL.".
    • Modified: The ability to modify the MustFill option on a piece of Copy is now limited to the Administrators, Administrator Assistants and Traffic Managers roles.
    • Modified: When creating a new piece of Copy, the station list is now filtered based on the User's available permissions; if any Station is removed due to the permissions, the "All Station" entry is also removed.
    • Modified: If the roles defined for an account do not include all stations, the Copy window will now restrict the ability to modify any copy that is for "All Stations"; instead, only copy associated with station(s) that roles are defined are allowed to be modified (assuming the role allows modification). The CopyList window has also been modified to account for stations.
    • Modified: Moved the Create From Package tool in the Contracts context menu so that it is now grouped with the Create Package tool.
    • Modified: The MustFill feature will now pull and recycle when determining what can be used when locking the Log; effectively this means that if there is very little content available to pull from, everything will be utilized, not used twice, until everything has been utilized and then start over (recycle).
    • Modified: Moved the MustFill processing and saving the Log to after the possible prompt that there are one or more Contracts that target this Log that are still pending.
    • Modified: In circumstances where printing a statement for an account that contains invoices that belong to different agencies and one of the agency prior balances is zero; the zero prior balance is now filtered automatically from the statement.
    • Modified: When using the Statement split trade feature, the determination of trade has been expanded to include the adjustment type and/or customer defaults.
    • Modified: The Dashboard message relating to the automation system being defined but not containing a import path has been updated to account for recent changes; specifically the ability to define (or not) different products for import and export.
    • Fixed: When trashing spots from a Contract, if all of the spots for a particular day have been trashed, the Invalid Contract/Rotation/Copy report is showing the Copy is missing for that particular day.
    • Modified: When running the Invoice report and/or Accounts Receivable Reconciliation report, broadcast Invoices are included in the "projected billing broadcast month" even if they completed (invoice effective date) in the prior calendar month. The invoice date column for these reflects the effective invoice date (the last invoiced line item) so it would appear, for these types of Invoices, that the Invoice should not be included (but are) since they completed prior to the period from and to dates. When this type of thing occurs, these are Invoices are broadcast related Contracts that, for whatever reason, completed within the broadcast portion of the previous month but belong to the "billing month" specified by the report criteria. The motivation behind this is that a large percentage of our clients compare the Revenue Projection report with the Invoice report and/or Accounts Receivable Reconciliation report to assist in the verification of the Billing process.
    • Modified: The context menu options for Check all and Uncheck all have been added to the MakeGoodCustomer and MakeGoodDetail windows.
    • Modified: When printing Reports, the Filter criteria is now only included if there is an actual active filter.
  • Premier 2014
    • Fixed: When right clicking on a canceled contract in the Contracts window, the Split tool is available and shouldn't be since it could cause serious issues.
    • Modified: The Contract column in Contracts will now sort the "magic contract numbers" in more expected manner where they are together. (Note: This may require that a "reset all layouts" be done.)
    • Modified: The Split tool on the Contracts window has been moved on the context menu to just above the Delete tool to reflect that this is a "super admin" capability.
    • Modified: The Revise tool on the Contracts window has been moved to the same section of the context menu as the Approve and Trash tools to keep similar tools grouped together.
    • Modified: The Goal report has been modified to bring in line with the new Revenue Projection report.
    • Modified: The column headers of the Revenue Projection report, Revenue Projection (Accrual) report and Goal report and the Projections tab on the Contracts window have been modified so that it is easier to utilize the list of columns in the Column Chooser (less scanning and searching). The short codes are G = Gross, N = Net, X = Canceled (Trashed), U = Unit and E = Estimated. The format of the column header is the short code(s) followed by two digit month and year. The default columns (factory-default) have also been modified so that they reflect the gross estimated money; this, of course, can be changed to any other type as desired using MyViews.
    • Modified: Removed the Projected Broadcast Accrual report from Reports since the Revenue Projection (Accrual) report serves to get to the same result with significantly less work; making the Projected Broadcast Accrual report obsolete.
    • Added: Introducing two new columns related to canceled (trashed) spots available on the Contracts window using the Column Chooser (see MyViews); these are "Cancel #" (displays number of spots) and "Cancel $" (displays gross amount "lost").
    • Modified: When using the Approve tool from the context menu of a Contract on the Contracts and PendingContracts windows, it now prompts asking if you are sure that you want to approve the contract.
    • Fixed: When the "off-air revenue" invoice generation process executes, an error occurs when the Billing cycle and/or Invoice type is set to None. This error is displayed on the Dashboard. Modified so that these types of Contracts are completely ignored during this processing.
    • Added: The "transform billing cycle" feature of a Contract correction mode now supports transforming from an invoiced billing cycle to a non-invoiced. Additionally, this feature now fully supports transforming a Contract revision chain.
    • Fixed: If an Invoice type on a Contract is set to something other than None, it is not possible to, in correction mode, to set it to None.
    • Added: It is now possible to move a Contract revision chain from one Customer to another using correction mode.
    • Added: Any changes made to a Contract header on a root Contract of a Contract revision chain updates all associated Contracts of the revision chain.
    • Modified: When working with a Contract and setting the Billing Cycle to None, the Invoice type is now automatically set to None and disabled until the Billing Cycle is set to something other than None.
    • Modified: When setting the Invoice type to None on a Contract and the "Enable Per Contract Invoice Print Count" Group option is also enabled, the x number field is removed from view. It returns when setting the Invoice type to something other than None.
    • Fixed: The correction mode menu is visible on a Contract that is not the root of a revision chain.
    • Modified: When printing (or exporting) a Contract that is part of a revision chain, the revision chain's original Contract number is printed along with the revision number.
    • Modified: The Contract report, Invalid Contract/Rotation/Copy report and the Invoice report have been updated to reflect the Contract revision chain numbers.
    • Added: It is now possible to right click on a Contract in Contracts and use the context menu to cancel a Contract without having to open the Contract. This will cancel the Contract ASAP.
    • Fixed: When revising a Contract, the Contract that is being revised is including the date that the revised Contract is starting creating a one day cross-over between the original and revised Contract. Modified so that the original is canceled prior to the revised (entered) date.
    • Fixed: When to deleting a Contract revision chain after it has Invoices, an error is displayed. Deleting a Contract that has one or more revisions can now be deleted even in one or more Invoices exist that is for this Contract revision chain.
    • Added: It is now possible to reschedule a spot from the MakeGood process; specifically on the MakeGoodDetail window using the context menu.
    • Modified: When printing Reports and using the Insert Page Break option, the criteria for the report is shifted to the upper right hand portion of the report and included on every page of the report.
    • Added: You can now optionally include RevenueSource and/or RevenueType on Confirmations using Group options.
    • Added: There are now two very distinct modes of Billing; the default is a mode where the goal is to get Invoices to Customers in the most efficient and timely manner possible (this is the default). The second mode is more of a "legacy" style of Billing where Invoices remain in the gathering queue until the Billing cycle date has transpired regardless of spot completion. Operating in either mode affects Billing and all reports related to Invoice dates. To enable "Enforce Billing Cycle Boundary", review Group options.
    • Fixed: When printing collated Statements and Invoices, the all of printed Invoices are not being removed from the Billing print list even though they've been printed along with the Statements.
  • EZ-NET
    • Added: It is now possible to access the online help system using F1 from all windows related to the EZ-NET add-on.
    • Modified: The NetworkSchedule window has been changed to remove all fields and elements that are not relevant to the NetworkSchedule (all of the fields that were displaying as None).
    • Modified: Since it is now possible to access the Network Affidavit report without leaving EZ-NET, this report has been removed from the Reports list.
    • Modified: United Stations has been updated to support importing from their system data regardless of the existence of the "copy end date" column.


  • Fixed: When exporting to SS32 and/or WideOrbit, the check for category is incorrectly detecting a missing category on automation commands.
  • Modified: The Traffic Assistant role can now view the contents of a rotation including each individual rotation item (copy).
  • Fixed: When running under the Traffic Assistant role ("read-only" mode), it is possible to modify copy in the Copy window.
  • Fixed: The Traffic Assistant role is able to manipulate a rotation by using the hot-keys.
  • Fixed: When contract is being viewed in "read-only" mode, the notes field is editable.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) Introducing the Billing Assistant role; an effective counterpart to the Traffic Assistant role that provides read-only access to all things related to the billing portion of "traffic and billing". This provides the ability to have an account for the purposes of having someone that can see "everything" in order to be able to answer questions yet make no permanent changes to any data. For example, the receptionist (who is not necessarily responsible for traffic duties) can access the system, see all the information and thus answer any and all questions directly.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) The Revise tool is not available when attempting to revise a revised contract.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) The CTRL+F feature in Contracts will now match on revision contract numbers.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) When a contract has more than one revision, the in between revisions are showing as canceled instead of revised.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) When canceling (or stop-as-of) a contract that also has been soft-scheduled (placed on logs) into the future (not sitting on the bump list of those logs); the canceled spots are not removed (forced ejected) from the logs when being marked as trashed.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) Starting with this version, the description of an spot-based invoice line item will match whatever the copy name is associated. It is possible that this description could be changed during the review process of the invoice. This is changed from the somewhat aggressive approach of "attempting to provide something meaningful with whatever information is available"; if the information isn't available (the copy name), then the description will be blank. If the desire is to place something "automatically" in the description column of a spot-based invoice line item; give the copy a name accordingly.


  • Modified: When a dashboard item shows a specific contract, when clicking on this item the contract is opened directly instead the pending contracts window.
  • Fixed: When opening and approving a contract in the pending contracts window, the now approved contract is not removed from the list.
  • Modified: The User window now displays the Sales and Sales Manager roles regardless of what Sales Add-On options are enabled as long Sales Add-On is active.
  • Modified: All reports have been modified so that the default export is Microsoft Excel Workbook (*.xlsx) (Office 2007+). The XLS version is still available as an option to target the export and is identified as Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Workbook.
  • Modified: EmailMyTimes will now present a slightly different, more informational, message when encountering a customer that is configured to be sent a notification but has a blank email address.
  • Modified: Changed the Email Order Confirmations window title to Email Contract Confirmations.
  • Modified: Changed the Print Order Confirmations window title to Print Contract Confirmations.
  • Modified: Changed the Station window to support separately defining automation system log and as-play configuration; because of this, it is now may be required that the automation system type be defined separately for log export and/or as-play import.
  • Fixed: Traffic Manager and Traffic Assistant are unable to create new copy using the Copy module.
  • Added: When creating a new customer, the new button for creating copy is not enabled until you press the apply button for the customer. There is now a message next to new button on the copy tab as a reminder to this requirement.
  • Modified: The Aging reports have been modified to reflect the invoice effective date of invoices (determined based on the date of the latest invoice item) providing the ability to bill out and reflect paid invoices regardless to the billing cycle boundary. read more
  • Modified: The "aging" section of statements has been modified to reflect the "effective" date to align with the Aging reports. read more
  • Modified: The transaction list section of statements has been modified to reflect the "effective" date of invoices to align with the Aging reports. read more
  • Modified: When adding a new payment and canceling the process, the A/R window no longer attempts to refresh the list of transactions; adjustments were already previously optimized to work in this manner.
  • Modified: The ability for an Administrator Assistant to modify group, station and user details in Settings has been removed.
  • Modified: Significantly reduced the time it takes to "match" spots during assisted reconciliation (using as-play file).
  • Fixed: The "Test Account Settings" description of the Email settings is not displaying correctly.
  • Modified: The Email settings window no longer can be resized; there is no reason for it to be resizable.
  • Fixed: An exception occurs when the log export process encounters an automation command with a "blank" length.
  • Modified: Reduced the amount of time it takes to retrieve the bump and make good list when opening a log.
  • Modified: Reduced the number logs displayed in the "load log" window; will no longer display logs more than 6 months old.
  • Modified: Correction Mode on a contract line item now allows modifying the settings for override conflict separation, override customer separation, start time and end time. Note, some placement priority is determined based on start/end time range; this information is currently not modified due to changing the start/end times after contract approval. The purpose of allowing the changing to the start/end time is to modify the window in which the spot can be placed on a log "after the fact".
  • Fixed: When modifying the override conflict and/or override conflict separation settings, the wording changes to bold and is truncated.
  • Added: Due to the way the Invoice report (for example) utilizes the invoice effective date, the Broadcast Accrual report has been enhanced to include an "End Date" column. This can be used, for example, to filter out any broadcast invoices that fully completed (do not cross over the calendar month) if so desired.
  • Modified: When finance charges are active and viewing the Aging reports, the reports have been modified to "apply" finance charge adjustments to finance charges (if applicable) directly affecting the finance charge column (reduction) instead of applying the money to the value of the base invoice. Additionally, it takes into account finance charge adjustments being applied *incorrectly* to invoices that either do not have a finance charge and/or are "overpaying" an existing finance charge and gracefully handles these scenarios.
  • Modified: When using SS32 or WideOrbit automation systems, locking a log with invalid and/or missing cart numbers and/or missing categories now displays a message as a error; aborting the export process requiring that the problem(s) are resolved.
  • Modified: When exporting to EDI, the purchase order field will now be used to populate the "rep order number" in addition to the "station order number". It is possible to use the purchase order field in such a way that two different numbers can be entered for the "rep order number" and "station order number"; to do so, use the pipe (|) symbol to separate the two values where the first value is the "rep order number" and the second value is the "station order number". Again, if only one value is entered, it will be used for both "rep order number" and "station order number".
  • Fixed: When importing the as-play file from Arrakis DigilinkExtreme and the SpotLog.dig file isn't the format we are expecting the attempt to filter by date causes an exception (because what we parsed out of the file wasn't a date). This is now gracefully handled and "nothing" will be imported due to this scenario since none of the "dates" will match the date of the log (since none of the "dates" are actually dates). read more
  • Modified: The Traffic Assistant role has been completely reset to facilitate a "read-only" account for the purposes of having someone that can see "everything" in order to be able to answer questions yet make no permanent changes to any data. For example, the receptionist (who is not necessarily responsible for traffic duties) can access the system, see all the information and thus answer any and all questions directly.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) The log editor now supports the ability to force make good a spot off of a locked log (placing it on the make good list), providing the ability to quickly reschedule the spot on the next day. This can be done using the context menu (right click) or using the Delete key.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) Added the ability to right click and approve a specific contract in the pending contracts window. It is still recommended that you take the time to open and review the contract before approving.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) Added the ability to right click and trash a specific contract in the pending contracts window.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) Added the ability to right click and delete a specific contract in the pending contracts window. This option is only available to "super administrator(s)".
  • Added: (Premier 2014) If the pending contract window is opened from the Contracts window, there is an additional right click option to "jump to" the selected contract. This will close the pending contracts window and jump to the contract in the Contracts window.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) The pending contracts window has been modified to support the ability to approve multiple contracts using the familiar check marks next to each item and process button. Again, as a reminder, great care should be used to take the time to review the contracts before approving them.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) Modified the Tools menu items on the contract window by remove the wording of "all" since it is somewhat useless/confusing.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) Modified the Tools->Approve..., Tools->Stop... and Tools->Cancel menu items on a contract so that, upon approving the action, the action takes effect and the window automatically closes.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) Modified the contract window so that it is no longer possible to approve, cancel or stop an individual line item; the contract as a whole is either approved or not approved, there is a lot of confusion raised due to the contract being approved, sort of approved, not approved based on the fact that the line items could be individually approved or not. The contract is now treated as a complete entity.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) The "bump by placement level" tool in the log editor is incorrectly displaying a filtered list of existing placement levels on the log.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) The revenue projection report has been modified, significant gains in additional functionality including knowledge of money "lost". Due to the increase in information and functionality, the report is now limited to 3 months (instead of 12 months).
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) When contracts are cancelled, the spots are no longer "lost" (as in never existed). The contracts now stay intact (as they were originally entered) and the spots are, instead, trashed to reflect that they will no longer be run. The original contract amount and the trashed amount are now visible in the new revenue projection report.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) Added Last Pymt Rcvd and Email columns to the A/R Aging and A/R Aging (by Month) reports to enhance the ability to make collections.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) Fixed issue where software exits if you "bump by ____" after bumping any spots without saving the log prior to doing so.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) EmailMyTimes is incorrectly determining the email address to use.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) It is now possible to use the log editor View->Summary during log reconciliation to group, sort, filter, column choose, etc. the reconciling log so that, for example, the spots missed can be printed/exported prior to committing the reconcile.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) Modified the Customer email addresses (per document type) can be entered regardless of whether or not the checkbox associated (deliver) is checked.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) Added Print and Print Preview menu actions to the Copy window that will print all of the information contained.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) Added Print and Print Preview context menu actions to the Copy manager window.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) Enhanced the "email copy to production" email to bring it more in line with the Print and Print Preview of Copy feature; now includes all visible data elements including the notes.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) For circumstances where it is desirable to reprint contract confirmations in batch, it is now possible to use the CTRL+R key combination to toggle the Print Contract Confirmation window list between contracts that need to be printed or all approved contracts regardless of whether or not they've been previously printed.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) The Spot Rate report that details spot rates for contracts running between the dates specified. Rates are based on entered contract details and include line rate, effective contract gross spot rate and effective contract net spot rate. This report is intended to eventually replace the existing Contract List report with a focus toward spot rates.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) The Contract report that details information related to contracts running between the dates specified. This report is intended to eventually replace the existing Contract List report; streamlining the information toward contracts as an entity whole.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) The Commission report that details the sales commission for payments applied to invoices (including partially paid invoices) along with other details such as aging, aging categories, invoice details, etc. This report is intended to eventually replace the Sales Commission column available on the Invoice and Payment reports.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) It is now possible to "export a log" via email. To do so, just use the standard URL for email; which is formatted as "mailto://address@server.com" instead of a physical file path. When locking a log, the "exported" file will be sent via email to the address specified as a file attachment. (Note: This does require that your email settings are configured in Settings->Email.)
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) OAR line items, when trashed, are being incorrectly removed from the actual projection numbers.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) When including the "station summary" on confirmations, stations are being duplicated instead of being a true summary.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) It is now possible to optionally include a "rotation summary" on the confirmations (Settings->Group->Options) that details the currently configured rotations/copy; keep in mind that it is possible (and most likely will) that these rotations/copy could change after the creation of the confirmation.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) It is now possible to optionally change the behavior of transactions displayed on statements (Settings->Group->Options) to reflect the transaction comment (if provided) instead of the default generic contract we construct.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) Whenever you are entering multiple payments/adjustments, the default transaction date will now be remembered from one to the other for the duration of the A/R window being opened; meaning that when the A/R window is closed, the default transaction date reverts back to "today".
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) The Revenue Projection (Accrual) report has been modified to provide the trashed spot amounts in both a gross and net column as well as a new "effective" net and gross column which automatically subtracts trashed amount from the actual entered contract values to give you the resulting difference.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) The optional ISCI code column on invoices has been expanded by 50%.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) It is now possible to "export a log" via ftp. To do so, just use the standard URL for FTP; which is formatted as "ftp://user:password@server/url-path" instead of a physical file path. When locking a log, the "exported" file will be automatically uploaded to the server and location configured using the specified user and password credentials.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) Not able to merge two customers together when the to-be-merged customer has an email address defined (the old way).
  • Added: (Premier 2014) For those that desire to "use less ink", we've added a new option under Settings->Group->Options->Enhanced Reports called "Enable Economy Print Mode" that will reduce the amount of ink used by removing elements that are "less important" such as background row colors.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) When printing statements, additional invoices (DR) are incorrectly being attached.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) Modified correction mode on a contract specifically related to Billing Cycle and Invoice Type being set to "none" and deciding to change these values so that an invoice is desired; this will force the regeneration of invoices process that would occur when changing the billing cycle in circumstances where the billing cycle was set but the invoice type was set to "none" and changed to a valid type. The spot(s) that are reconciled would then be placed on the generated invoice(s).
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) "Correction Mode" on a contract is now enabled at the contract level; once enabled, all line items are automatically in correction mode until the changes are applied and the window is re-opened.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) It is now possible to right click on an existing contract (one that is still "running" or "will be running") and choose the "Revise" tool. You will then be prompted for an effective date of the revision. This is the date that the revision to the original contract will be effective. A new "contract" will be presented that can then be modified accordingly to affect the changes desired. These two contract (or more) are then permanently linked together, the original as reflecting the original and each additional linked contract as the revision to the original (or prior revisions). It is not possible to "revise" a contract that has subsequent revision. For SuperAdmin, it is important to note that the contracts are "linked" and deleting any one of the linked contracts deletes all of the contracts that are linked. Only use "Revise" if it is necessary to use; "Cancel" and "Duplicate" are appropriate in many scenarios and offers greater flexibility. "Revise" may appear to be "easier" to utilize but also entails significant restrictions that may or may not be desired. When contracts are "revised", the contract numbers in Contracts will reflect this by placing a .0 on the original and a .1, .2, .3, etc. on all subsequent revisions. (Note that these are just for "display purposes" as internally, these revisions are actually unique contracts that are linked together.) All revised contracts will funnel spot(s) and OAR(s) to a single chain of invoices based on the original contract number.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) The "Split" tool available on contracts has been modified to not be available when a customer is "on hold".
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) The "Split" tool available on contracts has been modified to not be available when a customer is "on hold".
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) The "Create Package" tool available in the Contracts window has been modified to not be available when a customer is "on hold".
  • Added: (Premier 2014) For the "invalid copy" list on the log editor, it is now possible to highlight a spot on the invalid list and use the delete key to remove (bump) a spot from the log.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) When splitting a contract, the rotations are not carrying over to the newly created (split) contract.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) Completely rebuilt the Projection tab in Contracts to align with the new version of the Revenue Projection report.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) The messages shown on the Dashboard have been modified to blend better with the currently selected skin.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) The Invalid Contract/Rotation/Copy, Revenue Projection and several other reports do not include customers that are set a Prepay status.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) It is now possible to specify the "day of week" when scheduling off-air revenue line items using the Weekly option.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) Given that more and more of our clients are moving to a pre-pay model and many of your clients require an invoice in order to provide said pre-payment; it makes sense to have a billing cycle that better supports this. To do so, we've added "Begin of Schedule" which produces an invoice immediately for the total amount of the contract and, during the run of the contract, generates zero dollar invoices for what transpired. The contract *does not* require the use of off-air revenue lines; just enter the spot rates and the "pre-billing" will take care of the rest. This also means that pre-payment money can be applied immediately to an invoice, which improves the process of determining commissions.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) The Excel export available in all reports have been significantly rebuilt so that the output is scrubbed in such a way that all formatting, grouping, sub-totals, totals, coloring, etc. have been removed so that the result can be fully leveraged in Excel.
  • EZ-NET: Added initial support for Compass Media Networks and Crystal Media Networks.
  • EZ-NET: Enhanced the EZ-NET module so that you can now access the Network Affidavit report without leaving EZ-NET by using the Reports->Network Affidavit menu.
  • EZ-NET: When trashing a show from the list, it is now automatically removed from view unless the View->Trashed option is enabled.
  • EZ-NET: Enhanced EZ-NET to provide a new Network Copy report; this report contains the information necessary to provide to your production department. To access this report, use the Reports->Network Copy report for within the EZ-NET window.
  • EZ-NET: Modified EZ-NET so that, when combined with an automation system that requires categories, copy will automatically select the "default" category defined (the first one created).
  • EZ-NET: Modified the EZ-NET copy creation process so that it now sets the station instead of leaving it the default of "all".


  • Fixed: The Agency Estimate, Advertiser and Product Code fields are showing in some circumstances where the Agency does not have an EDI#.
  • Modified: Normally Agency Estimate, Advertiser and Product Code are all required; however, modified so the estimate code is exported if that is the only field provided.
  • Added: In addition to radio, exported EDI documents now support TV.
  • Modified: When adding/modifying adjustments, the station field now warns if it has been left blank; Escrow or a Station is required.
  • Fixed: Sometimes, on some installations, the dashboard does not initially load and requires an F5 refresh to be done to get it to load.
  • Modified: Minor tweaks to reports with regards to whenever the notice states that the report needs to be reloaded, the data on the report is also cleared to help ensure that there is no confusion that the report needs to be reloaded.
  • Fixed: Corrected the "daypart" misspelling on the Log->Options window.
  • Fixed: When bumping spots using the "bump by" tool for customer, normal spots, make good spots and this avail, the spot times left on the log are not adjusting to account for the removal of item(s).
  • Modified: When bumping spots using the "bump by" tool for this customer, this avail, all spots, normal spots and make good spots, the process now shows an overall progress indicator while applying the requested change(s).
  • Fixed: When deleting an avail type, the ghost of the avail type is incorrectly being left on the formats/templates.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) An exception occurs when attempting to merge a customer that has an address defined.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) The reports PageBreak feature now supports an "unlimited" number of arbitrary groupings while still only placing a page break according to the primary grouping.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) Introducing the Revenue Projection (Accrual) report that is similar to the existing Revenue Projection report except transforms all numbers into a calendar (accrual) basis and offers additional flexibility such as number of trashed spots, amount of revenue lost due to trashed spots, show gross and net on the same report, billing cycle, etc. (Note: This report is currently marked as experimental; usage is accordingly.)
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) An exception is occurring when modifying a Daily schedule on an order where spots existed and changing the dates causes spots to be removed.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) When creating a contract that is sets Revenue Type to "None", attempting to view the resulting invoice in the clients A/R list causes an exception.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) When creating a contract that is sets Revenue Type to "None", approving the invoice in Billing causes an exception during the refresh (after approval). From this point forward, Billing will no longer open due to this invoice (with no revenue type) being approved.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) Merging a customer now removes the merged customer after moving everything to the target customer.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) After automatically applying trade adjustments to trade invoices using the Billing window, deleting an order related to these invoices causes an error.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) Introducing the ability to specify a different email address for each of the following documents: confirmations, invoices, statements and EmailMyTimes on a customer-by-customer basis.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) Added additional columns to the Customers list (in Settings) so that all customer settings are now visible on the list.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) Enhanced the Daily scheduling capability by providing an option to apply a "pattern" across the calendar view. For example, you could specify 3,3,0 and the schedule would become 3,3,0,3,3,0,3,3,0,etc.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) Modified the log editor so that it no longer automatically displays the "unapproved contracts" window when opening a log; instead, a yellow warning is placed at the top of the log to serve as a reminder that there are unapproved contracts that target the log. Clicking on this warning will display the details.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) Modified the log editors "bump by placement level" so that the items are automatically filtered to just the placement levels that are currently scheduled on the log.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) When bumping spots using the "bump by placement level" tool, the spot times left on the log are not adjusting to account for the removal of item(s).
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) When bumping spots using the "bump by placement level", the process now shows an overall progress indicator while applying the requested change(s).
  • Added: (Premier 2014) We now support "bump by" tools for avail type, conflict, length, product, rate, sales person and contract #.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) Added support for merging avail types.
  • EZ-NET: Fixed issue with Cumulus shows incorrectly identifying start and end time range setting as being invalid.
  • EZ-NET: Modified Texas State Networks import so that the aggregate end time is rounded to the next whole hour.


  • Modified: Dashboard so that if multiple station/automation systems are not configured for 'assisted reconcile'; multiple entries are now consolidated on a stations / automation system basis.
  • Modified: Rotations to support working with copy elements that are more than one hour in length.
  • Fixed: The Billing window column for Station is blank for Administrators.
  • Modified: Once a rotation item has been selected, the highlight will no longer disappear when changing to a different field/button.
  • Fixed: When modifying a rotation, closing the window and reopening the window (without saving to the server), the sorting appears to revert to the original state (display issue); however, if you make additional sort changes, the sorting of the elements is completely corrupted.
  • Modified: When creating a new rotation on a contract, there is a "placeholder" entry made for the potentially new rotation; however, instead of being completely blank, the start and end time columns were displaying values which apparently caused a bit of confusion. The line is now completely blank during this process (until the Apply and/or OK button on the Rotation window is pressed.)
  • Fixed: The agency product code was not properly exporting the 4A's invoice format; additionally, not all specified columns (although blank) weren't being fully accounted for.
  • Modified: Due to continued confusion (thanks to eMediaTRADE's apparent recent change in processing); if an agency is configured for EDI and the order is set to this configured agency, the Estimate # transforms into three different fields for Agency Estimate, Advertiser and Product Code values. Look on the agency order (from the agency) for this data... it will most likely be required in order for clearing houses as the agencies have (apparently) recently made changes to "demand" this information. If any of these fields are empty, the electronic invoice will most assuredly be rejected under these circumstances. (Note: You could already do this by using the pipe character in previous versions (see below).)
  • Fixed: When more than one country is configured, for example USA and Canada, and the group address is set to use Canada as a country, the state (province) isn't remembered when opening the group settings (display issue).
  • Fixed: When more than one country is configured and one of those is Canada, the station address was not presenting a list of provinces similar to the group address.
  • Added preliminary support for the EZ-Automation automation system.
  • Modified: To prevent the inadvertent reconciliation of a log that has yet to happen, the Begin Reconciliation menu (and button) are no longer enabled for logs that could not have aired yet (today).
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) PageBreaks feature on all reports that has "totals row(s)" is incorrectly printing the totals row(s) on next page.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) Statements are generating an extra "blank" page whenever the 'Include Product on Statements' is enabled.
  • Modified: (Premier 2014) Identified several reports as being "experimental" (as they should be).
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) Issue with Avails (Fixed Position) report causing the system to exit.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) In addition to being able to reschedule a spot on the bump list of the log (within original line item schedule); you can now reschedule in the same manner using the make good list.
  • Fixed: (Premier 2014) When attempting to open the Pacing report and have EZ-NET related shows, the application shuts down.
  • EZ-NET: Added ability to specify show separation; this is optional and only really necessary if, and only if, not using the default avail type.
  • EZ-NET: Added ability to specify start and end time for Cumulus schedules since they aren't specified on the electronic versions.
  • EZ-NET: Modified Cumulus import to recognize the possibility of multiple "suggested ISCI" values so that the import only pulls in the "selected" one.
  • EZ-NET: Modified Westwood One import start/end times determination in order to handle "pledge times" that do not include a time range.
  • EZ-NET: Modified Premiere Radio Networks start/end times determination to handle the various known formats for the "pledge times" that have been encountered.
  • EZ-NET: Modified so that the "Network" tab no longer filters out imported schedules for Premiere Radio Networks.
  • EZ-NET: Added support for ADLarge Media and Texas State Networks.
  • EZ-NET: Added ability to manage active and inactive shows directly from the EZ-NET window.
  • EZ-NET: Modified so that when new schedules are found and imported for the currently selected show, the schedule list automatically refreshes accordingly.


  • Removed: Voice, Cart #, Copy Name and ISCI Code from the Log bump and make good lists since these columns never contain any information.
  • Fixed: An error occurs when entering a debit adjustment and leaving the station set to "Any". Debit adjustments must have a station selected; "Any" is not valid and should not be available as a selection.
  • Modified: Updated the text on the user window regarding roles so that it clearly states that these roles only need to be configured for people actually signing into and using the system.
  • Added: The system will, for those with the Sales Module add-on, remind you of your sales people/sales manager count compliance if you are over the licensed limit.
  • Added: The system will, for those configured to export the log to an automation system that supports 'assisted reconciliation', will notify via the dashboard that the aired log path is not configured. Additionally, will check and notify via the dashboard when configured for an automation system that requires 'categories' if there currently aren't any categories configured.
  • Fixed: When finance charges are not enabled, some customers are showing an error on the Billing tab (display issue).
  • Fixed: Under some circumstances the email address isn't being updated "behind the scenes" in Premier 2013.
  • Modified: To allow support (officially) for "LIVE" for SS32 automation. Up until now, these were exported as "DA0000" and will now be exported as "DALIVE". It has been reported to us by some SS32 clients that this will cause the automation system to "just stop" upon encountering the event. If this is not desired, use "0000" instead and please let us know if we were misinformed.
  • Fixed: Billing displaying end date as "blank" for some invoices in the tabs beyond Pending.
  • Added: (Premier 2014) Contracts that are associated with an agency that has an EDI# will now replace the Estimate # field with an Est/Adv/Prod set of fields for the purpose of entering the Agency Estimate, Advertiser and Product Code values in Premier 2014 to ease the ability to specify these three key values. Furthermore, these three values will be automatically merged (if provided) if the agency field is switched to an agency that does not have an EDI# associated. Note: We are being told by eMediaTRADE that all three of these values are increasingly being required by most (if not all) agencies. For details on how these three values are entered using Premier 2013, see update 1640 (below).
  • EZ-NET: The copy tab on shows doesn't display the existing copy when initially opening the show window.
  • EZ-NET: Network Browser now gracefully handles quickly/repeatedly changing between shows.


  • Fixed: When finance charges are enabled and attempting to modify EZ-NET shows, the OK/Apply button are never enabled.
  • Fixed: When using SS32 or WideOrbit automation systems, locking a log under certain conditions would cause the application to exit.
  • Modified: When using SS32 or WideOrbit automation systems, locking a log with invalid and/or missing cart numbers now displays a message as a warning and uses DA0000 as a default so that the log can complete the export process.
  • EZ-NET: Stations available are now automatically filtered based on license in order to help reduce the noise (clutter).


  • Fixed: When using the File/Close menu on the Dashboard, settings, "remember me", etc. was not persisting properly.
  • Removed the system tray icon from the Windows task bar.
  • Further improvement to performance related to the Billing module; additionally, Premier 2014 clients will see a significant increase above and beyond those available to Essentials/Premier 2013 clients.
  • The Billing module now supports Check All / Uncheck All functionality taking into account filters.
  • The Billing module now displays a ( ? ) while it is retrieving information from the database for each tab.
  • Improved performance related to the Email Statements and Print Statements windows.
  • Improved performance related to all Make Good windows.
  • Modified behavior of "trashing spots" so that these spots are no longer removed from projections; currently this behavior only affects Premier 2014 clients.
  • Fixed: Applying a template containing a must-fill avail to a log not saving.
  • Enhanced the contract line item so that start and end times that produce and invalid range (start greater than end) will now produce error hints accordingly.
  • Fixed: Duplicate contract not saving rotation(s) if they are not further manipulated prior to saving the duplicated contract.
  • Fixed: Moving an order from one client to another not correctly transitioning copy and potentially corrupting if more than one piece of copy references on contracts/logs/invoices (Premier 2014).
  • EZ-NET: Added a new Network Affidavit report to assist in the affidavit reporting associated with network affiliates..
  • EZ-NET: Enhanced to allow for the selection of Avail Type to support scenarios where the default Avail Type is "too restrictive".
  • EZ-NET: Added ability to "fetch" a single show accessible from the show's context menu.


  • Fixed: Adding write on spots during log reconciliation not correctly highlighting the newly added entry.
  • Fixed: Adjusting print margins from print preview and setting the margin to .number; upon pressing the ., application closes.
  • Fixed: Modifying the end date of an off air revenue line item by typing part of a date and then mouse clicking on the down button to display the calendar causing an exception.
  • Fixed: When creating a contract and leaving the invoice type set to None causing an exception when printing the confirmation.
  • Modified: When modifying a customer, finance charges are enabled and the finance charge percentage is blank, the billing tab will now display the red warning icon to draw attention to this fact.
  • Fixed: Make good window not displaying a spot count (and other details) for EZ-NET related schedules.
  • Fixed: Gracefully handling scenarios where placement level is "blank" causing exception to occur when updating the line item display on the contract window.
  • Modified all EDI related orders that also have an Estimate # so that the formatting of the Estimate # conforms to what the agencies are requiring with regards to Agency Estimate, Advertiser and Product Code (see below).
  • Modified behavior of the A/R window to reflect the effective end date of an invoice rather than the billing end date. read more
  • Modified statements so that the date of an invoice reflects the effect end date instead of the billing end date.
  • Improved the performance related to opening the Billing module by optimizing the calculation of spots of spots counts to only consider invoices that are not already finalized.


  • Fixed: Unable to add a 'write on spot' to a reconciled log.


  • Fixed: Logs could not be reversed as Administrator role.
  • Fixed: 'Agency on new line' for printed invoices and statements.


  • Fixed: Logs could not be committed (reconciled) after edits were made and before saving those changes.
  • Fixed: Report columns not being restored properly.


  • Improvements to the logon and logoff process.
  • Introducing the new and improved "dashboard"; think of the boxes as a "todo" list that works to assist you in keeping on top of things that need to get done.
  • Overall improvements to performance across logon, logoff, dashboard, the contracts window, all reports, etc.
  • Improved the background processing of OAR invoicing, finance charges and log generation.
  • Modified how updates to the What’s New are displayed.
  • Changes to Make Goods to handle “missing rate/revenue values”.
  • Modified Log window so that the time columns are compared as times instead of dates.
  • Added support for handling the automatic fill of specified satellite avails (MustFill).
  • Added ability to specify the “command timeout”; this controls how long requests to the database server will wait for an answer. A smaller number is desired; however, there may be times that a larger number is necessary, but this should be the exception, not the norm. The number entered is in seconds and the default is 15.
  • Added Check All, Uncheck All context menu support to the Make Good window.
  • Added option to include aging on printed/emailed statements.
  • Added option to include projection on printed/emailed confirmations.
  • Modified warning in Log window when locking a log to better reflect the situation where an automation system is selected and the path is blank.
  • Modified printed invoices so that “spots” that don’t have copy are still treated as spots.


  • Improved the error condition between checking the email invoices/statements on the billing tab and the email address on the general tab begin connected and one or the other isn't completed; a warning shows on the tab to indicate that there is something wrong on the tabs associated.
  • Removed message about compatibility issues with 125% (non-default of 96 DPI) Windows settings from startup.
  • Fixed issue where, when creating a new user, the software would exit.
  • Modified layout of User window so that exclamation marks are not overlapping fields.
  • When creating a new user, the Active checkbox is now checked by default.
  • Changed "Email..." to "Email" context menu on Contracts and Invoices since no further actions are necessary as the "..." infers there is "more to do".
  • Fixed issue where the Select Report windows menu could, inadvertently, be detached.
  • Renamed Escrow to None on all reports that have Station and Revenue Type filters.
  • Modified all reports so that the Revenue Source and Sales Person filters includes None as the first item in the list.
  • Modified the customer window by placing the contact field into the contact tab.
  • Modified the rotation window to better reflect circumstances where the rotation is no longer "usable" due to length changes on the order line item(s).
  • Modified EDI documents related to Estimate # so that this field is used as a three part representation for Agency Estimate, Advertiser and Product (not to be confused with "Product") Code. These values are determined by the agency of the order. To combine into the Estimate # (contract header), enter in estimate, advertiser and product codes using the pipe character to delimit the values. There must be three values in the Estimate # in order for any of them to export to the EDI document; even if the value between the pipe character is blank.
  • Modified the logon window so that the version number is visible to assist support in determining which product is installed to better diagnose "invalid username/password" messages.
  • Modified invoice printing so that the page numbers printed are individualized for the invoices, not the entire batch.


  • General updates to fine tune sending/receiving data to/from the server(s).
  • Modified duplicating copy (from Copy) so that it is allowed to change the customer; providing a means to duplicate copy across multiple customers.
  • Modified SS32 automatic reconciliation to gracefully handle a situation where the cart number is blank/unreadable/undeterminable (during the import).
  • The Traffic Manager role has been redefined as to only provide access to Traffic related functionality.
  • The Accounting Manager role has been renamed to Billing Manager; to better reflect the roles purpose.
  • The Administrator role has been renamed to Administrator Assistant; to better reflect the roles purpose.
  • The Group Administrator setting has been renamed to Administrator. Checking this option disables all other roles; as by definition, Administrator has full permission.
  • Modified Copy (from Dashboard) so that when you click the New button, whatever customer is currently selected is selected by default in the New Copy window.
  • Added additional support to gracefully handle situations where desiring to print an invoice with no line items.
  • Orders has been renamed to Contracts to better reflect overall purpose / features.
  • All roles have been modified so that "changing history" has been removed; only the Administrator account(s) can modify objects that have been "approved"/"finalized".
  • Modified the overall layout of a debit adjustment.
  • Modified the multi-step transaction process related to saving/updating an orders/rotations, formats, logs and invoices.
  • Fixed an issue where the Order List report was not correctly refreshing when changing the Period value.
  • Fixed issue related to entering a date where, for example, typing in "08" and then immediately clicking the down arrow expansion to view the calendar would cause an exception (Copy, A/R Statement, Effective Date, Order Spot/OAR Line Items, Rotation, Reports).
  • Fixed in issue where when reordering the rotation entries on an order the end time is incorrectly reset to 00:00:00.
  • Modified how the "lock" icon is active in relationship to invalid copy when initially opening a log that has missing copy.
  • Added ESCROW to Revenue Type for all reports to handle situations where the customer default Revenue Type (Trade checkbox) and Payment Type (Trade) are in conflict. Recommendation is to keep Cash/Trade accounts as two separate entries.


  • Modified EDI documents to include the TAX information if the associated order/invoice has tax applied.


  • Resolved an issue where under some very specific circumstances the separation rules were being ignored if using repeated automatic placement actions on the log editor.


  • Removed "Escrow" from the Revenue Source, Revenue Type and Sales Person lists on all reports. Payments/Adjustments that are is "escrow" will inherit the properties of the client for reporting purposes.
  • Updated the Aging and Reconciliation Detail reports to reflect the inherited Revenue Source, Revenue Type and Sales Person on the client for "escrow" payments/adjustments.
  • Added ability to (optionally) select a station when entering a payment/adjustment. If you only have a single station, the station will automatically be selected. If you have multiple stations, "Escrow" is the default value. When left as "Escrow", the payment/adjustment can be applied to an invoice belonging to any station. If, however, you select a specific station for this payment/adjustment, the payment/adjustment can *ONLY* be applied to an invoice belonging to that station.
  • Modified the "Process" button on the "Pay" billing tab to honor specific station selection on payments/adjustments.
  • Modified how the "prior balance" import processes records so that Debit Adjustments are created instead of Invoices.
  • Fixed an issue where, under certain circumstances, the inventory report would generate an exception when run using the percentage (unit or time) and certain information was filtered.


  • Enhanced the Copy manager so that expired copy is easier to identify using color hints.
  • Removed 'red' color from expired copy in the Customer dialog.
  • Modified default avail colors on the log to align better with the rest of the software; Green = 'Good (Money)', Yellow = 'Hmmm, maybe you should look at this' and Red = 'Stop/Error/Attention/Bad/Etc.'.
  • Modified how the delete key works when managing copy, will highlight the next item in the list instead of the previous upon deleting the currently selected item.
  • Added log information to the printed log summary.
  • Added ability to export confirmations, invoices and 'printed' logs to Adobe PDF and Windows RTF formats.
  • Added support for Playbox Technologies Air Box automation.
  • Added support for Jazler Radio Star 2 automation.
  • Added View->Refresh to Billing.
  • Moved View->Invalid Co-Op Scripts to Reports->Invalid Co-Op Scripts on the Billing window.
  • Added Email over SSL support.
  • Modified reports so that dates prior to the year 1793 are not allowed.


  • Added ability to export log to PDF.
  • Corrected issue where, under some circumstances, an error would occur when attempting to open the email statements window.


  • Extended the timeout setting for log reconciliation.
  • Corrected an issue that prevented log reconciliation when automation system is set to None.
  • Replaced Dashboard icons with new and improved versions.
  • Replaced all Administration icons with new and improved versions.
  • Moved the "copy manager" (Copy) from the Administration windows to the Dashboard.
  • Added Billing icon to the Dashboard. This icon combines the "Invoice Manager" and statement printing into a single window; removing the need to go into A/R in order to do the billing process (approve, print, email, export invoices and print/email statements).
  • Removed the "Invoice Manager", "Print Statements" and "Email Statements" from A/R; now accessed through the Billing icon from the dashboard.
  • Renamed "Administration" to "Settings".
  • Moved the Tools->Email Settings menu to "Settings".
  • Removed "do you want to print this confirmation now" question whenever creating/modifying orders.
  • Added capability to print all confirmations using the Tools->Print Confirmations menu item on the Orders window.
  • Added capability to email all confirmations using the Tools->Email Confirmations menu item on the Orders window (requires email address associated with respective customer).
  • Replaced Tools->Batch Print Invoices with new UI that facilitates printing any and all invoices that can be printed/re-printed.
  • Fixed an issue with OAR when changing the date and then selecting "Once" reverting to "Once Per Day".
  • Added Ecrow as a station, sales person, revenue source and revenue type to all reports to provide a means to easily filter for this type of money.
  • Extended the timeout duration when loading the invoices for the Billing window.


  • Modified Log Editor to prompt/remind you about reconciling logs. If any logs that can be reconciled have not, this message will display reminding you. If you select Yes, it will open the next log to be reconciled. Selecting No will open the next "working" log.
  • Added product, order header comment and start/end times to Order Confirmations.
  • Minor layout and display tweaks to the Order entry screens.
  • Modified Group dialog so that the Report Override address re-loaded correctly.
  • Modified Orders so that the rotation New button is only available if valid copy exists.
  • Modified Invoice Manager so that MyView state is saved between sessions.
  • Modified SMARTS log export to better support merging avails followed by automation commands where the first there are no automation commands prior to the first avail of an hour.


  • Enhanced the billing process by introducing the "Invoice Manager". The Invoice Manager completely replaces the "Pending Invoices" process and introduces "task lists". Each task list made available through tabs and the tasks are: gathering, pending, pay, print, email, edi and open. The gathering and open tasks are for information purposes only while the others are designed to reduce the overall effort of billing. Pending tab contains all invoices that are ready to be finalized (posted). Select one or more and click the Process button to post these invoices. Now that you have invoices posted, the pay tab (possibly) shows all invoices associated with customers that have a credit balance (pre-payments). Select one or more and click the Process button to have the system automatically apply these credits to invoices in a oldest exact match / oldest available (two-pass) per invoice in order of invoice end date. Now that payments have been applied, use the print tab to print all invoices that are waiting to be printed. The email tab contains all invoices that are waiting to be emailed (each entry will be removed upon successfully sending the invoice to your configured email server). The edi tab contains all invoices that are ready to be exported and eventually uploaded to your EDI service provider.
  • Corrected an issue related to SMARTS reconciliation as-play import.


  • Added support for Electronic Delivery of Invoices.
  • Emailed invoices are now individually "flagged" as being emailed. This flag will be reset if the invoice is reversed.
  • EDI invoices are now individually "flagged" as being exported. This flag will be reset if the invoice is reversed.
  • Changed Finance Charge to Finance Charge (APR) on the Customer dialog.
  • Added custom sum capability to the Inventory report's Type = Sold/Unsold and Sold/Total.
  • Added "Assign station(s) and permission(s) (access to the system) for this user." comment to the Member Of / Role tab on the User dialog.
  • Modified the Role list (Member Of / Role tab on the User dialog) to only show roles that are available depending on product level and/or Option Packs and Add-Ons.
  • Enhanced Off-Air Revenue dialog by adding "Once" to Frequency. Changed Daily, Weekly and Monthly to Once Per Day, Once Per Week (every Monday) and Once Per Month (the 24th).
  • Added Modified as a Period to the Order List report.
  • Added processing notification to all reports while it is processing the information after retrieving data from the server.
  • Added priormonth, month and nextmonth tokens to order comment; when printing invoices, these will be replaced by the appropriate month name.
  • Modified printed log so that log notes no longer print a length of 0:00.
  • Removed the "Note" field from the Log Note dialog since it was not used, thus causing confusion. "Description" is what prints on the log.
  • Modified transactions so that the state of a customers A/R is verified before attempting to save additions/changes. If any changes to the customers A/R have occurred during the process, the process will be aborted in an effort to prevent data corruption. A notice stating this is presented when and if this occurs.
  • Renamed and moved Accounts Receivable Aging and Accounts Receivable Aging (by Month) to their own report category (Aging); removing the Accounts Receivable portion from their names.


  • Initial public release.

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